• Daily Reading Log and Reflection

    Name__________________________________ Week of: _______________

    Directions: The students will read every day for 20 minutes. They can read any book, or material they find it interesting. It will be graded as follows: Total minutes___________

    Grading Scale (Less than 50 minutes per week = 50/ 50-60 minutes per week = 60/ 60 -70 minutes per week= 70/ 70-80 minutes per week= 80/ 80-99 minutes per week= 90/ 100+ minutes per week = 100)

    Monday – (      /    /          )


    Book Title: __________________________           Author:________________

    Pages Read: _____ - ______    Minutes: ______      Parent’s signature ___________________

    Favorite Sentence: “__________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________” pg. ________

    Why did you like that sentence? _________________________________________________




    Tuesday – (      /    /          )


     Book Title: ___________________________         Author :________________

    Pages Read: _____ - ______    Minutes: ______      Parent’s signature ___________________

    Favorite Sentence: “__________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________” pg. ________

    Why did you like that sentence? _________________________________________________







    Wednesday – (      /    /          )

     Book Title: _____________________________         Author :________________

    Pages Read: _____ - ______    Minutes: ______      Parent’s signature ___________________

    Favorite Sentence: “__________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________” pg. ________

    Why did you like that sentence? _________________________________________________




    Thursday – (      /    /          )

     Book Title: _____________________________              Author :________________

    Pages Read: _____ - ______    Minutes: ______      Parent’s signature ___________________

    Favorite Sentence: “___________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________” pg. ________

    Why did you like that sentence? _________________________________________________




    Friday – (      /    /          )

     Book Title: _____________________________                   Author :________________

    Pages Read: _____ - ______    Minutes: ______      Parent’s signature ___________________

    Favorite Sentence: “___________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________” pg. ________

    Why did you like that sentence? _________________________________________________

