• Grading and Retake Policy

    The Westside Grading Policy for the 2020-2021 school year is as follows:

    1.  The division between major and minor grades for all curriculum teams except Algebra 1, English 1, Biology, and W. Geography is 70%-30%. Those subjects have a 60%-40% split.  While not mandated by school administration, Westside has elected to use a minimum of “50” for major grades. This does NOT apply to instances of cheating. In accordance with HISD policy, “A student found cheating on any assignment or test will be given a zero.”

    2.  All Curriculum Teams will have the same major grades (quantity, weights, and content). Minor grades will be similar, but are not required to be uniform.
    3.  Teachers must post at least one grade to PowerTeacher Pro everyweek.
    4.  Teachers must have a minimum of three major grades each grading cycle unless otherwise notified by the principal.

    5.  Teachers must have more than one grade represented in each grading category.

    Retake Policy

    • Only major grades are eligible for a retake.
    • Students are limited to one retake per six weeks per subject.
    • Students must complete one or more of the following, determined by consistent academic team policy
    • Attend necessary tutorials
    • Complete alternative assignment
    • Complete necessary homework
    • Complete test corrections.
    • Retake test must be of similar length and subject matter as the original test.
    • Retake must be completed within one week of original test grade being posted in Gradespeed.
    • Retakes are for grades 75 and below only.
    • Pre-AP retakes are capped at 75 while Prep retakes are capped at 80.
    • Alternative major grades (projects, labs, essays, other long term assignments, etc.) are subject to teacher discretion for retake approval, and teachers must communicate retake eligibility,in writing, before the assignment.
    • Students must fill out retake form prior to the retake assignment.
    • Students with absences still have the opportunity to have aretake for a make-up exam.

    Test/Major quiz (a quiz that is 25 or more minutes) dates are:

    • Monday, Wednesday and Thursday for English Language Arts and Science.

    • Wednesday and Thursday for World Languages and CTE.

    • Tuesday and Friday for Math, Social Studies and other electives