Laptop Distribution
Registration is required for laptop distribution. Students should plan to be here about 1.5 hours for laptop orientation. Read more about the process and make sure you bring all forms required to make ensure things run smoothly at your appointment.
Class of 2026 Reminders
There's so much that needs to happen to ensure a smooth transition to high school. Read more about all the steps necessary and what you can expect for each event. Included you will find direct links to everything that is being asked to do.
Students will be back to wearing uniform this school year following the dress code policy guidelines. Make sure you know the rules on what's acceptable because detention isn't any fun.
New Student Orientation
There will be 2 sessions available on May 21st for this structured event. Read more about how you can be prepared ahead of time, registration information, and knowledge on where to park for this event.
Online Student Enrollment Registration
HISD has a new Student Information System this year where enrollment is now done entirely online. Students who are CURRENTLY NOT ATTENDING an HISD campus, are REQUIRED to complete online enrollment. This is crucial for schedule input and laptop deployment. Click to read the steps required to ensure the student is setup and ready to go for a successful first year at DeBakey High School
Enrollment Packet Forms
An enrollment form packet will be provided by the registrar on the day of Student Orientation on May 21st. Save time by printing, completing, and bringing the forms the day of to help expedite the process.
Course Selection
The counselors have uploaded a step by step video to help make sure you are selecting the correct classes for your student. Watch and read the instructions to complete the next step in the registration process.
DeBakey HS Entrance Agreement & Survey Information
To ensure that students and parents are aware and understand the school's expectations, you must submit a signed copy of the DeBakey HSHP Entrance Agreement via the Google Survey Link. Click to get the direct survey link and what steps are needed.
4 Year Course Sequence
Not sure what comes after Algebra 1 or Biology? Read more about the 4 year course sequence in preparation for course selection and the upcoming school years.
Course Descriptions
Have questions about what course options are available for your student? Prepare for course selection by reading the course descriptions for the classes offered.
Sports at Zoned Campus
Students are able to play sports at their zoned campus. Read more about the requirements to be eligible and how to request as part of your schedule.
DeBakey PTO
Want to be part of one of the greatest Parent Teacher Organization? Of course you do! Read more about how to join and how to be a part of all the exciting events that happen around campus.