Late Work Policy
This policy DOES NOT apply to classwork (submitted at the end of class).
A work can be submitted one school day late after the due date and can get a credit up to 70% of its maximum grade.
Illustration1: Task3.2 is due on 2026-1014 (Wed) and you failed to submit. You must submit Task3.2 on 2022-1015 (Thu) to get a credit of up to 70%.
Illustration2: Task2.4 is due on 2026-0911 (Fri) and you failed to submit. You must submit Task2.4 on 2026-0914 (Mon) to get a credit of up to 70%.
Illustration3: Task4.5 is due on 2026-1020 (Tue) and you failed to submit. Students are off 1021 (staff dev) and 1022 (national holiday). You must submit Task4.5 on 2022-1023 (Fri) to get a credit of up to 70%. DO NOT MISTAKE it with the policy that due dates cannot fall within 2 school days after a holiday as this school policy will automatically take effect only for original assignment submission, not for late work submission!
Retake Policy
1) You can only retake Quiz, Assessment, or Test submitted by due date/time. IF unsure, ask teacher if the task is "retakeable".
2) Retake will be scheduled and Retake form must be submitted within 24 hrs once the result is posted (on Canvas or PowerSchool). And it is the duty of the student to constantly check grades posted online (on Canvas or PowerSchool) . IF you already know you failed a task, you can email a notice that you uploaded completed retake form asap without waiting for the grade to be posted.
3) You can have a maximum of TWO retakes per cycle. (Choose one that has the highest percent contribution toward your cycle grade.)
4) The MAXIMUM RETAKE grade is 70. If a retake grade is less than 70, the assignment grade will be the higher of the two grades, i.e. original and retake grades.
5) You can take the retake after teacher receives email notification that the completed RETAKE FORM located in the "Class Documents" has been UPLOADED in one of the 2 links. See Retake Submission folder in the Cycle folder.
6) Student absent on date of retake forfeits the retake. No grade change done.