• Provence

                                                               Mrs. Savala, Patricia 

                                                                                    FRENCH III

    Carnegie Vanguard High School

    1501 Taft St. Houston TX. 77019


    713-732-3690                                         patricia.savala@houstonisd.org                                    Room 209


                                                                  Bienvenue!              Welcome!


                                     This French III language course focuses on offering access and opportunity for all students to gain culturally authentic world language reading, writing, listening and speaking skills that students will need to become college and career ready in a 21st century global marketplace. The key to success in language learning is to immerse yourself in the language as much as you can. It is encouraged for students to make the use of French resources online and applications for learning as  much as possible.


                                                                            COURSE DESCRIPTION


    This course is intended to further the knowledge of the French language and French culture in particular with readings from history, art, literature etc.... We will be using a textbook in class as well as many ressorces online and other materials. Special emphasis will be placed on oral communication in French.





    Attendance is essential for doing well in class. I will take attendance every day. You will be considered absent at the 15 minute mark on regular days and at the 30 minute mark on block days.


                                                                               Classroom rules


    • The objectives will be written on the board for the day as well as other reminders.
    • There will be an absentee section where the materials for the previous day will be placed. It is your responsibility to check!
    • After the second bell you are considered late and tardiness will be documented.
    • Cell phones are to be turned off and placed in the pockets provided on the wall.
    • No food, gum or sweet drinks allowed. You may have water.
    • Leave your seat with permission only.




                                                                                 RESTROOM CODE


    You can go to the restroom in between activities and you must ask in French!!!


                                                                             MATERIALS NEEDED


      One ¾ inch spiral notebook and a folder for handouts. 


                                                                                    GRADING POLICY                                                                                           


    PROJECT                                                                                                                 30%

    TEST                                                                                                                        30%

    QUIZ                                                                                                                        20%

    DAILY WORK                                                                                                            20%




                                                                                                 ADDITIONAL NOTE


    I am very enthusiastic about teaching you and making this experience enriching and pleasant for all of us. In return I am asking that you come prepared to class and ready to learn. Please feel free to contact me with any issue that may arise.