Welcome to the Milby Dual Credit Program Page

  • Bill Ellis | wellis@houstonisd.org | Milby High School

    Milby Dual Credit Program


    Welcome to the page of the Milby Dual Credit Program.  The program provides students with the opportunity to earn free transferrable college credit while in high school. 



    Do you already know that you want to take Dual Credit classes next year? Then click this link (this link) to complete the survey and learn the next steps!

What is Dual Credit?


    At Milby High School, students take college classes and earn both college and high school course credit through the successful completion of one class.  Most Milby dual credit classes are taught by Milby teachers who are also Houston Community College adjunct professors. 

    It looks like this.  Students may take HCC English Composition I from Mr. Roberts in place of their English 3A class.  They meet just like they would for the regular high school class.  However, when the semester ends, and they pass the class, the students are granted high school credit for the college course.

    Here are the benefits:

    • Tuition is free.
    • Credit transfers to almost all colleges and universities in Texas as well as to schools outside of Texas.
    • Students earn a quality point toward their GPAs.
    • Dual credit courses meet the advanced academic course requirements for GT and Magnet transfer programs.
    • Students transition into college course expectations with the added support of their high school.


  • There are a few ways to qualify to take Dual Credit classes.  If you have the patience, you can read through the district's Dual Credit Handbook and learn it all.  Here it is. HISD Dual Credit Guide  In Spanish. 

    For the sake of convenience, here is how most students qualify.


    Sophomore students can qualify to take Dual Credit classes by meeting the College Readiness standards of TSIA2 taken prior to their Sophomore year: 

    1. Reading/Writing: 945 on multiple choice section and 5 on the essay.  Or, less than a 945, and a 5 on the essay, and a 5 on the diagnostic test.  This qualifies students for all but the math courses offered.
    2. Math: 950 or less than 950 with a 6 on the diagnostic test.

    Juniors and Seniors 

    Most students not already taking Dual Credit classes will qualify by scoring a 4000 on the English II EOC test along with a Satisfactory essay score on the same test. Juniors and seniors may also qualify for most classes with one of the following criteria.

    1. Scoring 460 on the Reading/Writing section of the  PSAT/NMSQT
    2. Scoring a 480 on the Reading/Writing section of the SAT.
    3. Earning a College Readiness score on the TSIAccuplacer placement test.

    Students can also qualify for Math classes with one of the following criteria:

    1. Scoring 510 on the Math section of the PSAT/NMSQT.
    2. Scoring 530 on the Math section of the SAT.
    3. Scoring 4000 on the Algebra I EOC and earning at least a C in both Algebra 2A and Algebra 2B.



What are the steps?

  • So, you've read this far and you want to take the classes if you qualify.  These are the steps.

    1. If you have not done so already, let Mr. Ellis know that you want to take the classes by completing the survey at this link, Dual Credit Interest Survey.

    2. Apply to Houston Community College, once instructed.  You will find instructions here, Apply to HCC.  Please follow the instructions.  If you apply too soon, you will have to reapply.  Applications for the Fall of 2024 will not be available until October, 2023.

    3. Report your HCC ID number to Mr. Ellis by following this link, Report HCC ID Number.

    4. Make sure that you qualify.  Check with Dual Credit Coordinator Mr. Ellis.  He is in Room 2112 (in the second floor Commons).  You can also reach him through Teams or by email.


First Name Last Name Title Email
Angela Barrett-Klish Instructor (Communications) abarrett@houstonisd.org
James Bowie Instructor (US History and Western Civilizations) jbowie1@houstonisd.org
Arthur Ehmling Instructor (Construction Technology) Athtur.Ehmling@houstonisd.org
Bill Ellis Dual Credit Coordinator wellis@houstonisd.org
Cody Roberts Instructor (English) Cody.Roberts@houstonisd.org
Andre Rodriguez Instructor (US Government and Mexican American Studies) arodri18@houstonisd.org
Ivan Valverde Instructor (Sociology) Ivan.Valverde@houstonisd.org
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