Language and communication are at the heart of the human experience. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent, it is important for every student to acquire the skills necessary for effective communication and cross-cultural understanding. The ACTFL National Standards and the Texas framework for Languages Other than English present a curriculum framework for learning and teaching languages aimed at helping all students reach high and challenging standards. The following are the five program goals upon which TEKS for LOTE are based:
Goal 1: Communication
Students develop communicative abilities in the three modes: interpersonal, interpretive and presentational, integrating the skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and showing.
Goal 2: Cultures
Students learn about and experience other cultures.
Goal 3: Connections
Students use language to acquire new information and knowledge in other subject areas.
Goal 4: Comparisons
Students learn the nature of language and culture by comparing other languages and cultures with their own.
Goal 5: Communities
Students use language to participate in communities both at home and around the world.
French I
French II
French III Pre-AP
Spanish II
Spanish III Pre-AP
Spanish IV AP
The LOTE Department at HSPVA implements the HISD curriculum to:
- Support college bound/career ready culture;
- Ensure ALL students have access to essential learning
- Create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active learning and mutual respect
- Ensure ALL students know how to access and use the language and its cultural resources within and beyond the school setting.
Our Department Goals are to assist and encourage LOTE students to learn and use the target language in a contextualized and meaningful way by:- Engaging them in authentic learning experiences;
- Emphasizing concept/skills based learning;
- Developing creativity, imagination, and innovation;
- Preparing students for performance/contests; and
- Differentiating for individual learning styles.
LOTE classroom activities at HSPVA include:- Products and performances in the target language;
- More student centered activities;
- Learning through language vs. learning about it;
- Using the language in authentic and contextualized ways;
- Importance of communication and meaning; and
- Use of Technology resources.