

    Per the state of Texas, all students must be in attendance for each class at least 90% of the days each semester to earn credit for the course. 

    For HSPVA, please note that students have first period every day, therefore for each semester, the maximum number of days students can miss 1st period is 9 days.  Because 2nd-9th periods are blocked and only meet every other day, the maximum number of days students can miss is 4 days per semester.  

    If the student exceeds the number of absences outlined above, they may be at risk of losing credit, regardless of the absence being excused or unexcused.  The attendance committee will meet at the end of each semester to review each case of excessive absences.  The committee will review the reasons for absences and review excuse notes, doctors’ notes, and unexcused absences.  That is why it is important to submit excuse notes within three days upon the student’s return from the absence.  You can email excuse notes to Claudia.Torres@houstonisd.org.  

    Also, please keep in mind. school begins at 7:45 AM. Students arriving after 8:05 AM will be marked absent for the first period.