• Westbury H.S. ESL Department   

    Artwork by: Klo Lay Pla

    Westbury High School is one of the most diverse campuses in HISD. With over 300 English Language Learners and 100 Refugee identified students, it is no wonder that reaching out and embracing this diversity has become a priority. Currently, the school houses students from over 30 countries and includes over 40 languages and dialects. We are amazed at the cultural impact that our students are having on our school and look forward to their successful integration and achievement as important parts of the Westbury community, Houston ISD, and beyond.

    With partnerships that we have established through our Multilingual Department, Refugee Specialists, PAIR, and a multitude of other agencies, we are looking forward to seeing our students grow and become integral stories of success both now and in the future. We offer instruction for newcomers through transitional students, after school tutorials for all students and a refugee program, and are excited about the new Leadership and Mentor Program, established through PAIR, linking business professionals and graduate students to work one-on-one with our students.

    Finally, we are proud to be starting the Westbury Ambassador Student Program, which gives the newcomer students a support student advocate to assist with getting to class, translation purposes for teachers, and understanding what is required of him/her for success at Westbury High School. We are also implementing the Westbury Refugee Achievement Plan, which pinpoints and identifies areas for improvement that go beyond language accommodations. Our intervention lab, located in Room B101, will give small group and individual attention to students using research-based tools that target problem areas for our ELL students.

    If you have any questions or concerns about these or any other aspects of the English as a Second Language Department you can contact Ms. Carolina Castillo, ESL Coordinator, at 713.723.6015

    Thank you for visiting our page and we look forward to hearing from you.


  • Westbury High School
    ESL Department

    11911 Chimney Rock
    Houston, TX 77035-4403
    Phone: 713-723-6015 ext: 017129
    Fax: 713-726-2165