Soy Rosa Yanira Salvador
Contact Information:
E-mail address: rsalvado@houstonisd.org
School’s phone number: (713) 723-6015
Google voice: 832-736 4023
Conference 4th & 7th Period.
Dear parents and Students,
Hola Bienvenidos a mi clase de español!
I ‘m originally from a Central American Region, El Salvador. I moved to the United States in 1998 lived in Los Angeles and then move to Houston 10 years ago. I have been working for HISD since 2005, I love teaching Spanish to my students.
I’m looking forward to working with you and your child. This year, your son or daughter will acquire the knowledge of the Spanish language through the exploration of culture, art classes and media from the Spanish-speaking world also with the advantage that if they know Spanish they will be able to distinguish and understand two other Romance languages like Italian and Portuguese.
On my free time I like to garden, read, and exercise. Eating healthy food, I enjoy watching foreign movies. I also enjoy to travel and to help others. At WHS I feel at home and love the diverse population of our school.
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns now or at any time this school year.
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