Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
When can I come to the library?
- During class times, students need to have a library pass signed by your teacher and a student ID. The pass just lets the library know that your teacher knows where you are. You do NOT need a pass before school, during lunch, or after school. Also please sign in when you get here! Large groups of students using the library must be pre-scheduled and accompanied by a teacher. Teachers may send up to five students per class but if the library is at capacity, we may limit the number of students that can come in.
How can I find a book in the library?
- The library's online catalog is called Destiny and can be accessed HERE. It can also be found on the Find A Book link on the left side of every library webpage. You can also browse and explore our collection on your own or simply ask Mr. T to help you!
What can I check out from the library?
- Books may be checked out for 14 days. They can easily be renewed for more time if no one else has requested them. CD's, videos, and DVD's may be checked out for overnight. Books labeled CS (Class Set), which are part of the English curriculum, may be checked out for 30 days or until the end of the assigment.
Is there a fine or late fee if I don't return my books on time?
- No there is not! The library does not charge late fees but if you lose your book, then we'll have to talk!
What happens if I lose a book?
- Payment for a lost book is based upon the cost to replace it.
How many items may I check out at one time?
- There is no limit to the number of books or materials students or teachers may check out.
Can I renew my book(s)?
- Yes, you can renew as long as no one else has placed a hold on that book.
Can I use the electronic library databases from home?
- Yes you can but most of them will require a password if you are not on campus. See Mr. Turner, the librarian, for it. You can access the digital resources from the link on left side of every library webpage. You can also find them on the HUB under the Digital Resources tab.
Does the library have a social media presence?
- Yes we do! Check us out! Twitter - @BaldLibrarian Instagram - @BaldLibrarian