Yearbook questions? Please contact Mr. Jeff Turner at jturner2@houstonisd.org
Synergy, the HSPVA yearbook, is now on sale! The price is $105 and there are three (3) different ways to purchase one and they are as follows:
- balfour.com
- Our SchoolPay site on our school website
- In person in our Library or business office
For balfour.com
- Go to Balfour.com
- Click on Shop My School
- In the search box, type in Kinder High School and choose our school from the drop down menu. It may take several seconds to load.
- On the next page, scroll about ½ way down and click the "Order Now" button under "Yearbook Products and Ads"
- Fill in the appropriate student information and click Shop for this student
- Please keep any record of receipts to avoid any confusion at end of year.
SchoolPay on our website
- Click on the following link to access SchoolPay: Click Here
- Please keep any record of receipts to avoid any confusion at end of year
Pay in person in library/business office
- Students or parents can pay in person in library or with the business office
- Cash or check accepted. Make checks payable to Kinder HSPVA
- Please keep any record of receipts to avoid any confusion at end of year