The Employee Professional Development Form must be completed and approved prior to registration.
- Fees Involved
- Must complete Employee PD Request Form
- 10 day advance notice
- Please ensure that all items on the form are completed in full and accurately. Missing information will delay request.
- Appraiser or Department Administrator Approval Required
- Travel
- Complete the Pre-Travel Authorization Form when involves an over night stay
- must attach conference/registration information, lodging confirmation, rental if needed, etc. to form.
- 30 day advance notice
- Appraiser or Department Administrator Approval Required
- Absence from Duty
- All staff will need to submit an Absence from Duty request once PD is approved, if it will require time away from work.
Employee Professional Development
Utilize this form when requesting payment or reimbursement for Professional Development. (10 day advance notice)
Pre-Travel Authorization Request
Utilize this form when Professional Development involves an overnight stay. (30 day advance notice)