- An AF104 Form should be used when monies are collected from students for fundraisers, uniforms, pre-sale tickets, athletic insurance, etc.
- Students (or parents) must write the student’s name and dollar amount submitted. Blue or black ink only! Sponsor should not complete the form with student’s name due to Auditing!
- Purpose of collection should be listed on form.
- NO white out. If error, mark a line through and rewrite on line below.
- Deposits to the Business Office should be made when $50 or more has been collected. Do NOT hold $50 or more in your room overnight.
- Deposits will not be accepted on Friday’s after 3:30 pm. Please plan accordingly.
- Money should be counted and sorted prior to the deposit with the Business Office. There should not be any discrepancies when money is turned in.
- Teacher/Sponsor will complete the bottom portion of the form while turning in money to the Business Office.
- Do not provide your own receipts for students using office supply receipt books. This form serves as proof that the student or parent paid.
AF104 Supplemental form should be used when submitting cash sales. For example, money collected from food sale fundraisers.