Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Jamie Russo
Ms. Russo is a career teacher with a BA & M.Ed from the University of St. Thomas. She is really excited to use her Masters degree at MIMS in Multi-cultural Urban Education and to facilitate GT strategies for higher learning outcomes. This is her first year to teach 1st grade and is looking forward to the new experience. She spends her spare time with her 4 dogs and cat. She volunteers with an Italian Community & Culture Club and 2 Rodeo Committees (Carnival Ticket Sales and Agricultural Education).
At Home Suggested Schedule 1st Grade
Ms. Russo's Resource page in clever
3-30-2020 All future communication will be on Dojo, since every parent is on this program.
First Week of Home School March 23 - 27
Hello everyone;
Tomorrow morning we will have our first virtual staff meeting for MIMS. After this I will know much more of what is expected for home schooling in HISD. Many parents met me at school today and picked -up their child's red folder (Math QR code inside), Math workbook, Science Workbook, Handwrting workbook, and journal. The first grade team felt these things will help us all on this new journey for everyone. I will post on dojo where you can pick up the books if you did not today.
Part 2: Spelling Homeowrk is below. I have been told Spelling tests can be taken on, as soon as I fugure this out I will let you know. I will communicate here and on Dojo.
Weekly Update for Feb 24-28
* Next Thursday March 5 is our Field Trip to the Downtown Houston Aquarium
This week skills taught:
Reading: Characteristics of Dramas/Plays HFW: air, different, drink, enough, never, snall, through, under
ELA: Narrative writing, Sentence Editing, Contractions
Spelling: Long a, ai, ay
play, grain, sail, mail, may, rain, way, day, stay, pain, never, small, different
Homework: Homework was placed in the red folders due to my absence yesterday. A fluency practice is attached to the Spelling homework this week. Mrs. Worden and I have picked an easy test to start. Directions are for completion are on the worksheet. It should take 10 minutes to complete, with the student reading and answering the questions.
Social Studies: Famous Leaders & Technology - how it changes how we live
Weekly Update for February 17 - 21
We will visit the Library every Thursday now. Please send the $20 for the Aquarium if you have not done so.
What the kids are learning this week:
Reading: Continuing Folktales & Fables while recognizing Main Idea, Theme, Plot, Main Events, Creating Mental Images, and Making Connections to Text.
English: Grammar: Verbs - Past-Present-Future
Writing: Narrative - Tell a Story
Spelling: Long e (e, ee, ea) team, be, read, feet, tree, keep, eat, mean, see, she, far, old, & hear
Social Studies: Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and other leaders
Weekly Update for February 10 -14
Thursday is Library Day - please bring books back to school to turn in for new ones. We had a GREAT first Library day. We loved having the parents read to us. Noah's mom came and read to the Monkeys, thank you Mrs. Jones. Thursday is also Class Group Picture Day.
Friday is the Valentine Exchange at the end of the day with a few fun activities. This is also an Early Dismissal Day (1:15)
What we are learning this week:
Reading: Characteristics of Folktales - start next week, with 2 sentences containing current and past spelling words. They must include correct Capitalization and Punctuation. I have been giving bonus points to students who are using proper letter writing. Those who still need help are rewriting their words. Long U (VCe): flute, game, cute, woke, spoke, use, hike, lake, tube, wake, something, keep, voice
English (Writing): Narrative Writing, Editing
English (Grammar): Verbs - Identify + past, present, & future (finishing up Adjectives too)
Social Studies: Goods and Services
Weekly Update for February 3 -7
ELA: Folktales & Fables this week: Identifying the elements (Characters, Setting, Problem, Solution. Main Idea, and lesson learned), and retelling the story.
Writing: Narrative writng
Grammar: Verbs
Spelling: Long O, Long I and Magic e (silent): like, white, drive, time, bike, kite, joke, stove, home, poke, even, goes, & shows
Social Studies: Life in 100 Years
This week marks 100 days of school. Their 100 day project is due Thursday, February 6 to Ms. C. Chen. The 100th Day of School Parade is Friday, February 7 (PK-1).
Weekly Update for January 27 - 31
ELA: We are continuing our study of Fairytales and retelling - 5 steps { First, Next, Then, After that, Finally}
Writing: Wrting in first person (I)
Grammar: Using adjectives & talking about verbs
Spelling: Magic "e": came, late, flake, shape, brave, gave, make, plate, map, had, better, hurt, things
Social Studies: Spend or Save? Want or Need? Also, we are reading about an Ice City in China.
Don't forget this Saturday, February 1, from 10 -2 is Our Chinese New Year Festival!! The kids need to meet us on the blacktop at 11:45 for a 12:00 PERFORMANCE!!! They are so ADORABLE and they have worked so hard to learn their song and hand gestures.
Weekly Update for January 21-24
We are finishing up Renaissance 360 testing this week in our classroom. I have learned today that the kids must take the Inamgine Learning Literacy Assessment at school between the hours of 7am & 4pm. This cannot be taken at home. Once the assessment is taken the lessons will be loaded. I will try to get the kids tested using the 2 desktops in my classrooom. January 30th I have secured the Computer Lab for this purpose, so everyone can use the program at home.
Tomorrow 1/23/20 is our Chinese New Year Culture Celebration - if possible wear class shirts.
We are learning during this short week:
Reading: Identify Traditional Tales & Fairy Tales - be able to retell
Writing: Narrative Writing
Grammar: Review Nouns and Adjectives (start verbs)
Spelling: Consonant - Verb pattern: no, go, me, where, who, what, when, where, why, how, read, house, water
Social Studies: Important People - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Weekly Update for January 13 - 17
I have completed the one on one Reading Records and tomorrow we will be doing the Renaissance 360 MOY (Middle of Year) in the computer lab. The classes are getting ready for Chinese New Year with Art, Songs, and Literature. I hope to see everyone at the Chinese New Year Festival. Their performance is the cutest!
Reading: We are continuing making opinions, predictions and connections to text.
Writing: We are writing a persuasive letter as a class this week and then on their own as an assessment, Friday.
Spelling: We are now working on words with final consonant blends. jump, lamp, went, ant, fast, best, nest, must, done, think , & more
Social Studies: Important People - such as Martin Luther King Jr.
Inside the Tuesday Red Folder are the directions to get on Lalio and Imagine Dragon. I have had many students say they cannot get on at home. I hope this helps.
Weekly Update for January 6 - 10
This week finds us at MOY (Middle of Year). Wednesday & Thursday I will be conducting one on one Reading Records to see where each child is reading Independently, Instructionally and finding their Frustration level.
ELA: We are reading books with opinions and persuasive text. The students are learnign to make predictions, inferences with evidence from the text to confirm. As we read we always try to make connections with the text; to ourselves, the world or other texts we have read.
Spelling: Initial blends with r. (drip, drum, grin, trap, trick, trip, try, scrub + 3 sight words - because, or, fall)
Writing: On Tuesday the students wrote a paragraph about their favorite season and why.
Social Studies: Important people in US hisotry and monuments made in their honor and why. (Lincoln Memorial, San Jacinto Monument, Washington Memeorial, MLK Jr. Monument, The Alamo ...)
Weekly Update Dec. 2 - 6
ELA: Multimodal (Informational Text) text features & comprehension
Spelling: L Blends
Writing: Writing complete sentences with correct capitalization, verb tense and punctuation
Social Studies: Holidays in America and Bakery Jobs around the holidays
Lalio is a free & great reading and phonics program. Username/password information will be in the red Tuesday folder
Weekly Update for Ocotber 21- 25
This week:
Tuesday, October 22: Tuesday Folders HFW information letter along with HFW flashcards will be in Tuesday folder - please sign and return 1 copy of the letter
Friday, October 25: Reading and Spelling Test
Next Week:
October 31st - Book Character Dress Up (optional) Students who come in costume, must bring book and be ready to share with the class about their book character.
Weekly Objectives:
Reading - Poetry - Rhyme, Rythm, Repitition
Writing- Complete Sentences (Focus on beginning sentence with a capital letter and ending with punctuation .,?,!) and Adjectives
Spelling - VCC - double consonants followed by short vowel - will, egg, grass, tell, miss, well, class HFW - down, all, from
Social Studies - Community Helpers - Who Makes the Rules?
To access HISD Online Resources at home
1) Google “Clever” and choose school district “HoustonISD”
2) Login: Account:STUDENT\S____(studentID)
3) Password:MMDDYYYY(student’sbirthday)
4) Look for MyOn and Imagine Learning
Weekly Objectives for October 14 - 18
ELA Objectives:
Reading : Poetry - Rhyming Words - Repitition - Rhythm
Writing: Capital Letters and Complete Sentences with Punctuation (. ! ?)
Phonics: qu, /kw/, x, z
Spelling: Short e hen, pen, yet, web, wet, leg, bad and HFW (High Frequency Words) day, have write
Handwritng: Grip, Placement of Page, Start at the Top, and Name
Social Studies: Jobs in Our Community - Firefighters & Fire Safety
We are busy!!!
Halloween Costumes need to be Book Charaters, more details to follow
Weekly Update for October 7 - 11
ELA Objectives:
* Fantasy * Plot ( Beginning, MIddle, End) * Theme (Big Idea)
High Frequency Words: about, eat, how, make, out, put, takes, who
* Complete Sentences (capitalization and ending mark)
* Short u
Spelling Words: up, bug, mud, nut, hug, tub, pup, HFW - eat, who, takes
Social Studies:
Understanding Geography: Land & Earth
Please forgive my missing last week and being late this week on my updates. I have been working on Field Trips. Free Field Trips (including the bus cost). I have had a lot of quick turn arounds on forms with deadlines and signatures.
Field Trips set-up:
Firehouse 3000 Chimney Rock. We are walking and will depart MIMS around 12:40. Panthers October 16 and Monkeys October 17 (awaiiting HISD signatures)
Peter and the Wolf at the Hobby Center December 6 11:30
Cat in the Hat at Mainstreet Theatre April 20 9:30
Weekly Update for September 23 - 27 - ELA & SS from Ms. Russo & Mrs. Worden
Thank you to Ms. Vora and Ms. Rueda for volunteering last week. Your help is so much appreciated.
If you have not already done so, please sign and send in the last page of the First Grade Syllabus.
Monday: Spelling Homework sent home. Book orders due tomorrow.
Tuesday: Red Folders go home. Progress Reports will be inside along with the TIMELINE Social Studies Project.
Wednesday: Return Red Folders with signed Progress report.
Friday: Spelling and Reading Test. BINGO September Reaidng due today 9-27-19(Lavendar sheet) Early Dismissal at 1:15.
ELA Objectives:
Reading: Antonyms, Ideas & Support (Author's Opinion & Supporting Reason), Setting and Fantasy Fiction.
Writing: Sentence Starters and Complete Sentences
Grammar: Action Verbs & Capitals
High Frequency Words: are, buy, little, said, too, up, will, you
Spelling: short i
Spelling words: in, pig, did, sit, dig, big, you , said
Phonics: consonants g, k
Social Studies: Past, Present, Future, Time, Yesterday , Today, Tomorrow, and Calendars
Note from Ms. Worden: Hello everyone, I am getting closer to getting my website issues resolved. Thank you for your patience.
Weekly Update for September 16 - 20 - ELA & SS for Ms. Russo & Mrs. Worden
Thank you: Thank you to everyone who was able to attend Open House. It was a wonderful turnout.
Monday: Spelling Test & Reading Test
Tuesday: Red Folders go home. Look for Class T-Shirt form (neon orange paper, orders due Tuesday, September 24). Wear Astros Attire Day (Orange and Blue colors or Astros attire). Teachers will be sending home a papercopy of the Syllabus to those who did not get one at Open House. We do need the last page signed and returned for our files please. Thank you to those of you who returned them already.
Friday: Spelling and Reading Test, and Progress Reports go home
ELA Objectives: Syllabus First Grade Parent 2019 -2020
Reading: Fiction, Characters
Writing: Sentence Starters and Complete Sentences
Grammar: Action Verbs
High Frequency words: and, find, for, just, many, one, she, then
Spelling: short i {it, him, is, sip, fit, pin, and, & just} Spelling Homework
Phonics: r, f, s /z/
Book Orders are due this week. Feel free to send in paper order with cash or check payable to Scholastic. You can order online
and receive a free book with your order. Order Online Here Russo Class Code: W66DB (Due Friday, Sept. 20) Worden Class Code: GLRJ2 (Due Monday, Sept. 23)
RUSSO'S PANTHERS & C. CHEN'S MONKEYS HOMEROOM: Here is the Power Point we showed and discussed at Open House. Open House
Weekly Update 9/9 - 9/13 ELA Ms. Russo & Mrs. Worden Open House is Wednesday September 11, 2019 from 5:00 - 7:00
Good News we all have a Room Mom and we hope to meet with them this week to get all of are plans in order.
Monday - If homwework was not collected on Friday it will be collected and new homework given (September Bingo (purple sheet) due September 27)
Tuesday - Red folders go home
Wednesday - Open House
Thursday - Russo's classes to take Renaissance 360 test
Friday - Worden's classes to take Renaissance 360 test
Reading : Continuing Realistic Fiction (adding Author's Purpose & Theme) High Frequency Words for the week ( a, first, good, had, he, I , my, was)
Spelling Words: an, bad, can, nap, cat, pan, good, first **Due to Renaissance Testing, Spelling Test will Monday, Sept. 16 ** Phonics: N. D, P, C (/k/) short a
Social Studies: Rules - at home, school, community, authority figures and responsibilities.
*Due to technical difficulties, Mrs. Worden's MIMS page does not work. Feel free to email her at or message her through Class Dojo
Weekly Update 9/3 - 9/6 ELA Ms. Russo & Mrs. Worden
Help Wanted: We are both looking for a Room Mother; please email us and let us know if you would like to help.
Reminders: Elementary OPEN HOUSE is September 11, 2019 from 5:00 - 7:00 We look forward to seeing everyone!
Monday - No School Labor Day Holiday
Tuesday - Tuesday Folders going home along with homework
Friday - Reading and Spelling Test
Reading: Realistic Fiction (
Homework: Children need to be reading or listening to reading for 15 minutes each night. Use the September Reading Bingo Board for activities and to log reading. Reading Bingo Board can be turned in at the end of September. Spelling Words will be going home on Tuesday, our test will be on Friday.
Reading: Realistic Fiction, Plot (characters, setting, beginning, middle and end)
English Language Arts and Spelling: Nouns, short a, consonant sounds: m, s, t, b
Social Studies: Being a Good Citizen
Weekly Update: 8/26 - 8/30 ELA Ms. Russo & Mrs. Worden
We had a great first week. Thank you for supplying the student's supplies and for all of the classroom gifts. We greatly appreciate this. We worked hard on routines and procedures, yet had a great time getting to know everyone. In order to streamline better communication weekly updates will be posted here.
Help Wanted: We are both looking for a Room Mother; please email us and let us know if you would like to help.