    Parking Information:

    Parking around Bellaire is always problematic. HISD and Bellaire Police recommend that students and parents read and obey all signs accordingly, as the Bellaire Police do have cars towed regularly.

    • Limited visitor parking is located on Maple Street.
    • Handicapped parking spaces are located on Maple Street.
    • The school bus zone on Rice (beginning at the corner of South Rice and Maple and ending at the faculty/staff parking lot on South Rice) has available parking from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M., Monday through Friday
    • Parking on side streets near Bellaire is by permit only; please observe all posted signs. Otherwise, the vehicle may be towed. Parking may be available before 8:00 A.M., between 9 A.M. and 1P.M., and after 2 P.M

    • Parking is prohibited in all areas where the curb is painted yellow or red.  Cars are not permitted to drop off or park in the bus lane .

    • Students are not allowed in the parking areas or in parked cars during school hours.
    • Students who park on the side streets must abide by the City of Bellaire parking regulations. Cars illegally parked or in violation of regulations are towed at the owner’s expense.
    • When parking on adjacent streets, students must not block driveways and must respect the home property of the Bellaire High neighbors—no litter, no loud music, no fast or reckless driving on the neighborhood streets
    In the Fall of 2022, we will be opening our new parking garage.  Student spaces will be determined through a lottery.  Lottery winners will have the option to purchase a parking tag to park in the garage.  Details and information will be shared with our families at the beginning of August. 

    • No wrecker driver may charge over the standard price approved by the City of Bellaire.
    • This fee also applies to towing within the student parking lot.
    • The contact number of the towing company for cars towed from the Senior Parking Lot or any other on-campus location will be posted outside of Ms. Franks' office.
    • The City of Bellaire tows from all locations not on school property. Their contact number is 713-668-0487.

    Questions about Parking Regulations and Towing may be directed to Ms. Catlin, 713-295-3704, kcatlin@houstonisd.org