Bellaire's World Language Magnet Program serves students who live outside the school's attendance zone. Magnet students are transfer students with a strong interest in studying foreign languages and commit to taking five on-campus world language credits.
Yabei Yin
Magnet Coordinator
713-295-3704 ext 002156
Follow us on X @Bellaire_Magnet
Follow us on Instagram @bhsmagnetambassadors @bhsworldlangdept
Please check the calendar for upcoming events!
Important Magnet Dates
*12/10/2024- Phase 1 opens; applications must be submitted online at https://www.houstonisd.org/schoolchoice
*02/12/2025 - Phase 1 closes; Last date to change application ranks.
*03/20/2025 - Notifications of lottery results available; Phase 2 opens.
*04/03/2025- Last day to provide proof of residence and signed entrance agreements for seats offered in Phase 1, or spaces will no longer be guaranteed.
School Choice Fairs (9:00 am - 12:00 pm)
11/16/2024 @Milby HS
12/14/2024 @Booker T Washington HS
01/11/2025 @Westside HS
02/08/2025 @Lamar HS
04/05/2025 @Yates HS
The Magnet Office would like to remind all Magnet students in grades 9-12 to visit the Magnet Office located in 1124 if they have any questions, concerns or need help.