If a student is not feeling well or has tested positive for COVID-19 please follow the steps below.
- If you have not notified the Attendance Office of your student's absence, please email Amy Gayosso (agayosso@houstonisd.org).
- Complete this form to provide our nurse with information about your student's current health status.
- Email or reach out to all of your teachers through Remind.
- If vaccinated, submit a student's COVID Vaccine record here.
- If you have COVID test results submit them here.
Linked below are several documents that you may find useful:
- HISD's ReadySetGo Plan (Updated Guidelines)
- Guidelines for Exposure, Presumed or Confirmed Positive Individuals
- COVID-19 Testing Sites (2022)
- COVID-19 Testing Sites (Additional Information provided by the City of Houston)
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Nurse Thomas. Email: cthomas@houstonisd.org or 713-295-3704.
Thank you in advance for your assistance in providing the information that we need during these unprecedented times.