Bellaire HS students will begin entering the building and passing through a Weapons Detection System when entering the building. The system will activate and go into effect on Tuesday, Feb. 11.
The Centex Invitational Meet is a virtual journalism meet hosted by TAJE (Texas Association of Journalism Educators) and ILPC (Interscholastic League Press Conference). Click the headline to see the many awards that TPP members won!
📅 Mark your calendars! Join us for Cardinal Kickoff on Feb. 19. Explore Bellaire High School's exceptional programs and vibrant community. #CardinalKickoff #FutureCardinals
School Choice Application for Year 2025-2026 is open from 12/10/2024 to 02/12/2025. Please visit the HISD School Choice website. Click the headline to visit the link.
Thank you to everyone that attended the 9th grade parent meeting on Sept. 17. Click the headline to access the slide deck from the meeting.
Click the headline to view the presentation from the Senior Parent Meeting which was held on Sept. 11.
Please click the headline to access informatin on transportation and an update about bus transportation at the beginning of the year.
We encourage every student to join a club at Bellaire and get involved! Check out the schedule for club meetings and pick one to try!
The Houston ISD has released the Defined Autonomy Framework. Click the headline to learn more.
Spring STAAR scores are available online. Click the headline to find out how to access them.
Rising Juniors and Seniors can submit parking applications and fees for the 2024-2025 school year now!
Rising Seniors can apply for a home lunch permit for the 2024-2025 school year now!
Click the headline to read important attendance reminders and instructions and supervision during school hours.
The Class of 2025 can begin paying their dues via SchoolPay or in the Main Office August 12. Pay early and save! Click the headline to learn more about what dues cover. Payments can be made in the Main Office or on SchoolPay.
Click the headline to access the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar
In accordance with Texas Education Code Section 25.092 (Attendance for Credit 90% Rule), a student of any grade level from kindergarten through Grade 12 shall not be given credit or a final grade for a class unless the student is in attendance 90% of the days in which the class is offered. Click for more information.
Observer roles are available to parents in CANVAS our Learning Management System. Parents and guardians can monitor students’ Canvas courses, calendars, and announcements with an observer account.
As a guardian, you will have the opportunity to join your student in their career and college exploration process and have conversations with them about their future. Click the headline to create an account.
The Bellaire PTO encourages everyone to get involved in a way that makes them feel most comfortable! "You Do You!"
Bookings are now OPEN for senior photo sessions for the class of
2025. Click the headline for more information.
Everyone is encouraged to join the Remind Text Group for their graduating class. We send timely messages to help you keep up with important information. Click the headline to find your class code.
Sign up to be a part of Parents on Patrol! Volunteers that help keep our campus safe. The hours are flexible. Click the headline to get receive more information.
New IDs will be printed for all students for the 2024-2025 school year. IDs from past years can not be worn on campus. Please click the headline for more information.
Twenty-eight Three Penny Press students received Individual Achievement Awards (IAAs) in writing, page design, art, and photography during the ILPC Spring Convention, held April 19-21 at the University of Texas, Austin.
Carillon staffers took home 30 awards from the Interscholastic League Press Conference’s Individual Achievement Awards, recognizing outstanding work published in Texas student media. Click the headline for all the details!
The Texas Association of Journalism Educators released its Best in Texas Yearbook awards, recognizing work published in 2023 books. The Carillon received 49 awards. Click the headline to read our awards!
At the Texas State Thespian Festival, students can attend workshops that are conducted by national and international teaching artists, and in a wide variety of theatre areas. In addition to the workshops, colleges, and watching performances from various schools around the state. Click the headline to read the results.
If you are interested in donating or volunteering with the Bellaire High School Library- please check out our Support the Library Page on the Bellaire HS Library website. Click the headline for more information.
Bellaire High School guitar students participated in the UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest last weekend in Katy, Texas. Students worked diligently over many months to prepare. They won 21 solo gold medals and 23 ensemble gold medals (a new guitar program record). Click the headline to read more and see a list of accomplishments.
Please click the headline to learn more about courses that qualify for a pass/fail waiver to be submitted.
The HISD Student Portal is now open. Students can now log-in to their accounts and view their schedules. Click the headline for more information.
Please click the headline for directions on how you can access your HISD student email account.
5100 Maple Street Bellaire, TX 77401 713-295-3704 fax: 713-295-3763Accessibility
Bellaire High School
5100 Maple Street Bellaire, TX 77401
fax: 713-295-3763