• Career Preparation

    Eltoncia Bradley, Instructor ● ebradley@houstonisd.org



    Course Description

    Career Preparation I provides opportunities for students to participate in a learning experience that combines classroom instruction with paid business and industry employment experiences and supports strong partnerships among school, business, and community stakeholders. The goal is to prepare students with a variety of skills for a fast-changing workplace. This instructional arrangement should be an advanced component of a student's individual program of study. Students are taught employability skills, which include job-specific skills applicable to their training station, job interview techniques, communication skills, financial and budget activities, human relations, and portfolio development. Career preparation is relevant and rigorous, supports student attainment of academic standards, and effectively prepares students for college and career success. (This is a full year course. Students enrolled will receive 3 credits.)


    TEKS: Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills

    ·         The student uses employability skills to gain an entry-level job in a high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand field.

    ·         The student develops skills for success in the workplace.

    ·         The student applies work ethics, employer expectations and interactions with diverse populations, and communication skills in the workplace.

    ·         The student applies academic skills to job skills.

    ·         The student applies ethical behavior standards and legal responsibilities within the workplace.

    ·         The student applies the use of self-development techniques and interpersonal skills to accomplish objectives.

    ·         The student applies concepts and skills related to safety at the workplace.

    ·         The student evaluates personal attitudes and work habits that support career retention and advancement.

    ·         The student identifies skills and attributes necessary for professional advancement.

    Academic Dishonesty

    Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to grade penalties on assignments or tests and disciplinary penalties in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Academic dishonesty includes cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and unauthorized communication between students during an examination. The classroom teacher or another supervising professional employee will determine if a student has engaged in academic dishonesty, taking into consideration written materials, observation, or information received from students. Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty will receive a zero for the assignment and a discipline referral to the appropriate administrator. The student will have the opportunity to retake the exam under a different format as approved by the teacher (Note: A student caught cheating will receive 80% of grade earned on retake exam.).


    Evaluation Methods

    ·         Grading will follow the policy of the Houston Independent School District

    o   A = 100% - 90%

    o   B = 89% - 80%

    o   C = 79% - 75%

    o   D = 74% - 70%

    o   F = 69% - 0%


    ·         Methods of evaluation:

    o   Class work – 40%

    o   Homework – 10%

    o   Tests/Projects – 40%

    o   Quizzes – 10%


    ·         Obtaining work missed for any reason is the sole responsibility of the student. Students will receive make-up totaling the number of excused absences from class. Additional time will be given as determined by the teacher. (See HISD Student Code of Conduct – READ IT!!)

    ·         You will be informed of test dates at least one class period in advance of the test. Students who score less than 70% on the original test will be allowed to re-test.

    o   A student retesting will receive 80% of the retest grade earned.

    o   A student must re-test within five (5) school days following test date.

    o   A student must retest before school, during lunch, or after school.


    Guidelines for Accepting Assignments/Projects

    ·         Include appropriate heading on every assignment (refer to example posted on computer monitor)

    ·         Observe left and right margin

    ·         Received on or before due date:        

    o   Student can earn up to 100% of possible points

    ·         Received no more than five (5) days after due date:

    o   Maximum points a student can earn is 80% of possible points

    §  i.e. after grading teacher scores the project a 90, therefore, the student is assigned a 72

    ·         Received after fifth (5th) day grace period

    o   Maximum points a student can earn is 60% of possible points

    §  i.e. after grading teachers scores the project a 90, therefore, the student is assigned a 54



    Plagiarism is a prohibited act at HISD schools. Students found to have plagiarized a project will receive a discipline referral and a grade of zero. The student may have the opportunity to redo the project under a different format as approved by the teacher (Note: Student will receive 80% of grade earned on redo assignment.).



    ·         Blue or black ink on all written assignments (excluding math assignments). Assignments submitted in pencil will not be graded.

    ·         Binder (Solid blue or black only)

    ·         Composition book


    Classroom Rules

    1.      Westbury’s 45/20 rule is strictly enforced. Students are not permitted to leave class during the first 45 minutes or the last 20 minutes unless determined an emergency. Be prepared to start class immediately upon entering the classroom.

    2.      The school’s dress code and ID policy are strictly enforced in this class. Students are not permitted to remain in class out of dress code and/or without an appropriate school ID.

    3.      NO excessive talking unless involved in class/group discussion. Use your indoor tone.

    4.      Cell phones, MP3 players, IPods, CD players, or any other type of electronic device are not permitted during class time. Any student caught violating this rule will have his/her device confiscated and held to the end of the school day or turned in to his/her administrator.

    5.      No profanity or offensive language, comments, or behavior.

    6.      Respect will be practiced in this room at all times to self, others, and teachers(s).

    7.      Place all discarded paper in the trash can before exiting the room.

    8.      The bell does not dismiss students from class; the teacher does. Students are to remain seated until given permission to exit room daily.

    9.      Please do not relocate furniture in the classroom or move away from your assigned workstation without permission.


    Classroom Expectations

    1.      Be prompt and ready to learn when class begins.

    2.      Be prepared. Have required materials with you.

    3.      Be productive. Actively engage in class discussions, turn work in on time, and ALWAYS do your best.

    4.      Be a polite and positive participant. Speak in a normal tone of voice. Listen attentively.

    5.      Be a problem solver. Correct problems quickly and peacefully before they escalate.


    Instructions for Accessing Teacher Webpage & Resources

    1.      Using Internet Explorer, go to https://www.houstonisd.org/westburyhs.

    2.      Click on “Faculty” on the menu bar.

    3.      Select “Bradley, Eltoncia R”.

    Internet Policy & Classroom Computer Usage

    When accessing an HISD computer (any computer in this school) do not expect any privacy during use. Use of HISD’s network constitutes consent to monitoring, retrieval, and disclosure of any information stored with the network for any purpose including criminal prosecution.


    ·         Students are not permitted on computers unless authorized by the teacher.

    ·         If you have a problem with your computer, please inform the teacher as soon as possible.

    ·         You are responsible for the computer assigned to you during your allocated time.

    ·         All screen savers have been set on the computers. If you notice a change in the set-up of your assigned computer (i.e. screen savers, desktops, etc.) immediately report change to teacher as soon as possible or you will be held accountable.

    ·         Headphones are not permitted.

    ·         Misuse of computer(s) will result in the loss of computer privileges until reinstated by teacher.



    Students and parents should be aware that the Houston Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, ancestry, national origin, sex, handicap or disability, marital status, religion, veteran status, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression or physical/personal appearance. This policy includes a prohibition on racial harassment and a hostile environment, as this type of harassment denies students the right to an education free of discrimination. Students may utilize the district’s complaint procedures contained in this Code or refer to HISD Board Policy complaint procedures to address any issues related to these areas without fear of retaliation. In addition, HISD will not tolerate sexual harassment at any level. Any complaint of discrimination of any type will be fully investigated, and the district will take appropriate action.



    Parent & Student Acknowledgement of Receipt



    My signature acknowledges that I have received and read the above course syllabus.


    ____________________________________                        ______________________

    Parent Signature                                                                       Date


    ____________________________________                        ______________________

    Student Signature                                                                     Date


    ____________________________________                        ______________________

    Student Name (Printed)                                                            Class Period