Meet your College and Career Advisors for the CCR Lions DenWelcome to the Jack Yates HS Go Center!College ReadinessThe HISD College Readiness Department is committed to providing higher education access to all HISD students and works closely with campuses and district departments to create and maintain a college-bound culture throughout the district. Starting in elementary school, students and parents are highly encouraged to take charge of their learning, connect with others about post-secondary education, and dive into preparing for college early.
In order to get pertinent information from the College Advisors please update your contact information email and phone # at http://bit.ly/HISDtexting.
You also can now book virtual appointments or appointments in general with Mr. Mike Brown or Mr. Luke Mabry at https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/YatesHSAdvising@houstonisd.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/.
College Readiness CenterLocated on the first floor in the CCR Lions Den (room 148)Check the College Readiness Calendar to sign up for a variety of college events and activities!