Please reach out to me if you have any concerns about your child learning. If you have an urgent message, please contact the front office at 713-295-5276.Yonghui Wang, M.Ed. 王老师
Campus Induction Coordinator (CIC) 新教师培训负责人
Kindergarten Chinese, Math, and Science幼儿园中文、数学和科学
Kindergarten Resource: https://padlet.com/ywang92/kiievaj3o2c3jl2c
Mandarin Immersion Magnet School (MIMS) 休斯敦中文沉浸学校
HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT休斯敦独立学区5445 W Alabama | Houston, TX 77056
Office: 713.295.5276 | Fax: 713.662.3527