Classroom Rules
- I respect myself, others, and school property.
- I raise hand before I talk.
- I put my hands and feet to myself.
- I use inside voice and walking feet.
Behavior Management System - Daily Conduct Calendar:
Purple (outstanding) - big smiley face
Green (great job) - smiley face
Yellow (1 reminder/redirection) - zipper face
Red (2+ reminders/redirections) - sad face
Classroom rules are reviewed and practiced on a daily basis. A behavior chart including purple, green, yellow, and red colors is implemented to provide behavioral feedback and visual support. If a student does not make good choices, and thus receives a yellow or a red, he/she still has the rest of learning time to make good choices to earn green back. Please note that I have extremely high expectations for all my students. With strong parent-teacher cooperation and communication, together we will not only help your child succeed at school this year but help your child fulfill their potential.