Chinese Schools in Houston Area
Mandarin Saturday Classes (The Institute of Chinese Culture)
Chinese Courses (Houston Hua Xia Chinese School-7 locations)
Heritage and CSL Courses (Hua Sheng Academy)
Chinese Courses (Evergreen Chinese School)
Chinese Courses (Tzu Chi Academy)
APPs for Learning ChineseTip Tap Tones by Microsoft Research – listen and guess which tone!Learn Chinese – various practice sessions for numbers & phrasesChinese Writer – practice writing charactersMandarin Madness (Thomas' favorite app!) – This one is a fun game that challenges students' knowledge of language in various categories in a timed environment. They have to guess before the answer get to bottom of the screen. It starts slow and speeds up. Copyright 2011-2012 Native TongueReading Resources for SummerPlease review words/phrases on Quizlet because we do not want your children lose the knowledge and skills they have developed during the school year. Here are some reading resources recommended by the Mandarin Immersion Parents Council.Summer Camps