Mandarin Immersion

Magnet School

  • HISD Code of Student Conduct

    • The Houston Independent School District has established as one of its primary goals the provision of a high- quality educational program for each student in a safe school environment free of disruptions that interfere with the educational process. The purpose of this Code of Student Conduct is to inform all students and parents of their rights and responsibilities and HISD’s expectations regarding behavior and conduct. The Code, reviewed and approved by the HISD Board of Education, is based on federal and state laws and the policies of the Board of Education and Administrative Regulations. Administrative regulations communicate District procedures and practices in the contexts of Board policy, federal law, and state law. 

      This Student Code of Conduct is adopted by the district’s Board of Education; it has the force of policy. In the event of a conflict between the Code and a campus-specific Student Handbook, the Code shall prevail.

      The Code’s Jurisdiction:

      • while at school or 300 feet from the school’s property line,
      • at school sponsored or school related activities,
      • certain criminal felony violations away from school, and
      • cyberspace and social media activities that directly and substantially impact the school environment.

      This Code was developed to protect the rights of all students by:

      • providing a districtwide discipline management plan,
      • specifying the behavior that is expected of all students,
      • describing the range of student misconduct and providing appropriate disciplinary consequences or options for the various forms of misconduct,
      • outlining student rights relating to school participation, and
      • listing procedures that must be followed when applying consequences.

      HISD staff, students, and parents/guardians are expected to become familiar with and abide by the provisions of the Code of Student Conduct and the rules and regulations adopted and implemented by individual schools based on their School-Based Discipline Management System.

    Código de Conducta Estudiantil de HISD

    • Uno de los objetivos fundamentales establecidos por el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Houston es ofrecer a todos los estudiantes una educación de alta calidad en un ambiente escolar seguro y libre de las interrupciones que interfieren con el proceso educativo. El propósito del Código de Conducta Estudiantil es comunicar a los padres y estudiantes sus derechos y responsabilidades y las expectativas de HISD para el comportamiento y la conducta. El Código, revisado y aprobado por la Mesa Directiva de Educación de HISD, se basa en leyes estatales y federales, en la Política de la Mesa Directiva y en las Normas administrativas de HISD. Las Normas Administrativas comunican los procedimientos y prácticas de HISD.

      Este Código de Conducta Estudiantil ha sido adoptado por la Mesa Directiva y es la política del distrito. En caso de conflicto entre el Código y el Manual del Estudiante de una escuela, prevalecerá el Código.

      Jurisdicción del Código:

      • en la escuela o a 300 pies del límite de la propiedad,
      • en actividades patrocinadas por la escuela o relacionadas con ella,
      • ciertos delitos graves cometidos fuera de la escuela, y
      • actividades en el ciberespacio y las redes sociales que directa y sustancialmente afectan el entorno escolar.

      Creado para proteger los derechos de todos los estudiantes, este Código:

      • presenta un plan de gestión de la disciplina para todo el Distrito,
      • especifica el comportamiento que se espera de todos los estudiantes,
      • describe en toda su amplitud las infracciones de conducta estudiantil y presenta consecuencias y opciones disciplinarias adecuadas para los diferentes tipos de infracción, y
      • resume los derechos de los estudiantes en relación con las actividades escolares y las decisiones administrativas.

      El personal, los estudiantes y los padres HISD deben familiarizarse con las disposiciones del Código de Conducta Estudiantil y con las reglas y normas adoptadas e implementadas por cada escuela de conformidad con su propio Sistema de Gestión de la Disciplina Escolar y cumplir con todas ellas.

    Download the Code of Conduct

    If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

    Descarga el Código de Conducta

    If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.


    MIMS is a school of choice with limited available slots. Students who choose to come to the school agree to abide by an Entrance Agreement, which includes the following commitments:
    • In grades K-5 (PK at Chinese Immersion magnet), maintain satisfactory grades in all core and magnet classes during each grading cycle. Per HISD guidelines, this means 75 or higher average grade; for PK and K, satisfactory means 2 or higher on the 1-3 scale used for report cards.
    •  In grades 6-12, maintain an individual class average of 75 or higher in all core classes and an average of 80 or higher in all foreign language classes. Chinese Language Arts will count as the foreign language classes, not content areas taught in Chinese.
    • Participate in cultural events which may occur during evenings/weekends.
    • Complete all assignments and special projects and/or performances as required by individual program. Students should miss no more than 10% of homework assignments.
    • Bring necessary materials to class. Necessary materials will be specified by the teacher and may be different from class to class.
    • Participate and remain on-task in class.
    • Maintain regular attendance in accordance with school and HISD policy, which states that students can miss no more than 10% of days.
    • Refrain from excessive tardiness in accordance with school and HISD policy. SDMC agreed that students should be tardy on no more than 20% of days, which is essentially one tardy per week.
    • Adhere to the HISD Student Code of Conduct and maintain a conduct grade of ‘S’ or higher; and
    • Meet other expectations as defined by individual Language program and relevant to that program.
    If the above expectations are not met, the student will be put on a Growth Plan, which specifies what the student, parent, and school will do to support meeting magnet expectations. The Growth Plan is typically given 9 weeks to work then is brought for review. Upon review of the student's progress, the student can be taken off of the Growth Plan, asked to create a new Growth Plan, or be disinvited from enrolling the next school year.
    The SDMC met on October 7, 2013 to clarify and approve the Entrance Agreement guidelines listed above.