Excused Absences

  • All excused Notes are due to your Campus Attendance Clerk within 3 school days of absence. Excused notes must include date, date of absence(s), reason for absence, student name, parent name, parent contact number, and parent signature. 

    Examples of excused student absences include but are not limited to the following reasons:

      1. Personal illness (includes healthcare visit without documentation) – parent note or phone call required;
      2. Death of an immediate family member (immediate family is defined as parent, guardian, grandparent, sibling of the student or parent, or a person living in the home) – note required;
      3. Emergency in the immediate family (as defined at item #2);
      4. Illness of the student's child with note;
      5. School-imposed absence necessary to treat lice;
      6. Illness resulting from ongoing medical or psychiatric treatment (chemotherapy, radiation, dialysis, etc. with a doctor’s note indicating specific timeframes and anticipated absences);
      7. Removal by CPS/law enforcement and related days [including an arrest or incarceration for non-school-related matters or incarceration beyond three (3) days for school-related matters (if not withdrawn)]
      8. Medicaid-eligible; participating in Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Program (with documentation);
      9. Nurse sent home from school and/or any consecutive days approved by the campus nurse;
      10. Out-of-school suspension for a disciplinary reason(s) [including an arrest or incarceration for school-related matters for up to three (3) days];
      11. Activity required by a probation officer (other than court appearances) or Human Services activity required by a caseworker (with documentation; requires all missed assignments to be successfully completed within the timeframe established by the teacher); (this moves to the top list)