
  • Safety is a top priority for HISD, and the district is committed to providing a safe environment for our students and staff. Safety drills and training are conducted as required by Texas Education Code and under guidance from organizations including but not limited to the Texas School Safety Center, Safe and Secure Schools, Sandy Hook Promise, and State Code Compliance.




    In the event of an emergency or incident that requires reunification of students with their parents or guardians, the district has adopted the “I Love U Guys” Foundation Standard Reunification Method (SRM). The SRM provides a proven method for planning, practicing, and achieving a successful reunification. During any emergency situation the district will use multiple resources including, news outlets, social media, automated calls, and/or email to communicate with its targeted audience.


    The district is committed to being proactive in emergency management and planning. This requires support and understanding. Safety starts with you. It is important to talk to your children about safety. If you see something, say something. Anonymous reporting of safety concerns, suspicious activity, student and/or workplace bullying, etc. is available to everyone by calling 713-641-7446, online via the anonymous reporting system or by downloading the SAYSOMETHING MOBILE APP. Ensure you have the most up to date information and emergency contact at the campus level for effective communication