About Open House

  • Open house provides parents with an “inside look” into the daily activities and occurrences of teacher classrooms. It is not a time for individual conferences. However, information about scheduling individual conferences will be shared by teachers. Faculty and staff contact information can be found at HoustonISD.org/EastFaculty



    Please note, HCC professors do not participate in our Open House. If the listed teacher is "Walton" that means the student is scheduled into an HCC class taught by an HCC ONLY professor. You may report to the cafeteria during this time. 

Open House Schedule

Time Start-End Schedule
5:00 p.m. -5:04 p.m. Principal Welcome & Purpose of Open House
5:05 p.m.-5:09 p.m. About AVID & Self Care Club
5:10 p.m.-5:15 p.m. AVID Rotation (report to AVID Location)
5:18 p.m. -5:23 p.m. Self Care Club Rotation (Porter Club to benches outside)
5:26 p.m.-5:31 p.m. A1 Rotation
5:34 p.m.-5:41 p.m. B1 Rotation
5:42 p.m. -5:47 p.m. A2 Rotation
5:50 p.m. - 5:55 p.m. B2 Rotation
5:58 p.m. - 6:03 p.m. A3 Rotation
6:06 p.m. - 6:11 p.m. B3 Rotation
6:14 p.m. - 6:19 p.m. A4 Rotation
6:22 p.m. - 6:27 p.m. B4 Rotation

Teacher Locations

Teacher Building Room
Barham Leonel Castillo Academic Center 268
Barron Leonel Castillo Academic Center 204
Betancourt Leonel Castillo Academic Center 264
Bill Leonel Castillo Academic Center 269
Bradley Leonel Castillo Academic Center 203
Buso Leonel Castillo Academic Center 161
Calvert Felix Fraga Academic Center 352
Cantu Leonel Castillo Academic Center 224
Cugasi Leonel Castillo Academic Center 228
George Leonel Castillo Academic Center 244
Hall Leonel Castillo Academic Center 245
Honore Leonel Castillo Academic Center 202
Islam Leonel Castillo Academic Center 229
Lassiter Garza Studios Studio 5
Lau Leonel Castillo Academic Center 163
Leal Leonel Castillo Academic Center 135
Marquina Felix Fraga Academic Center 350
Nitsch Leonel Castillo Academic Center 201
Porter Blanca's Suite A
Precious Leonel Castillo Academic Center 242
Saenz Leonel Castillo Academic Center Library
Seymour Felix Fraga Academic Center 325
Vining Leonel Castillo Academic Center 162