Schedule: Manifest Destiny\\ U.S. Mexican War 1846-1848Link to online resource: http://www.pbs.org/kera/usmexicanwar/index_flash.htmlLink to Texas notebook file: >>>>>>>>Texas Spiral NotebookMarch 23Page 1-New Table of ContentsPage 2-Manifest Destiny art analysisHomework: Manifest Destiny Blog responses on Schoology: Due: March 30thMarch 24-25Page 3-John Sullivan's Manifest Destiny articlePage 4-Prelude to WarMarch 26-27Page 5-U.S Mexican War: Political and social aspects April 9-10 Unit TestSpiral Due: April 9-10
March 30-31 Page 6-Military aspects Homework: Prepare for discussion questions:Resource and questions on Schoology: and this file: War with Mexico question promptApril 1-2 Page 7-Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Page 8-Aftermath of War Preparation for discussion groups: research
April 3-no school
Discussion prompts preparation due next weekApril 6: Prepare discussion groups and questions: Classwork grade
Homework: Learning objective essay:April 7-8 finish page 6:
page 7Homework: questions and notes: due next class periodApril 9-10Discussion groups: page 8-9 in spiralTest and Spiral: April 14-15
American Progress 1872
American Progress by John Gast 1872
Texas and U.S. Mexican War
- All
- creating a memorial
- GR 14-2 and Treaty
- John Sullivan
- John Sullivan 1839
- John Sullivan 1845
- Lincoln spot resolution
- Los Ninos lesson
- Manifest Destiny Portfolio
- Power of perspective
- Songs of war worksheet
- Then and now
- Treaty of Guadulupe Hildago
- Two views on Texas
- U.S. Mexican War portfolio
- Wilmot Proviso