
    Welcome to the journey of exploring Chinese language and culture! This Fall Semester, we will start to

    learn the basics of the Chinese Language with the units of: Greetings, Numbers, Colors, Zodiac, China Highlights, Favorite foods and Family Members.


    As for the Chinese culture part, we will explore the Chinese moon Festival, Chinese Paper Cutting, Chinese Calligraphy, “Confucius”, “Great Wall” and the fun of Chinese Shuttlecock.


     Grade and Evaluations:


    -       Homework 10%

    -       Classwork  15% ( Class Notes taken and the class activities)

    -       Quiz 25% (Students will be quizzed at the end of each learning Unit)

    -       Project/Test 50%  (Semester end Project, and semester end Test)


    Supplies required for this class:


               One binder (required to be used for this class only, both soft cover or hard cover are fine)

                One box of colored pencils (or a box of washable color markers -must have black color)

                One note book (or a pack of notebook papers in the three-hole binder)

                One pack of the index Card, one red checking pen

                One glue stick, one pair of safety scissors

                Black pencils and an eraser


     Late Homework and Make up exam Rules:


    1.     Students will receive 10 points off any late homework assignment every time the assignment is late. After 3 times in class after the due date, the homework assignment will be counted as a 0.

    2.     All homework and /or assignments will be considered to be late if it is not turned in on time.

    3.     Students will be able to request a retest grade for their failing quiz or test, but it is the students’ responsibility to request a retest. The retest date should be within one week after the test date.

    4.     The highest score for the retest will be an 80. Those who have gotten an 80 or above may NOT retest.

    5.     If a student with excused absences during a test or exam, they may schedule a make-up test with the teacher with no grade deduction.