•    Welcome to Cluster 6s Math! Students and parents, I am so excited to work with you this school year. This page should be used as a tool to access additional resources, as well as to schedule meetings and tutorial sessions for your child. I am looking forward to a wonderful school year.
    Purple DayRed Day
    P1: Math R1: Cluster Conference
    P2: Math R2: Math 
    P3: Math R3: Math 
    P4: Math Dept. ConferenceR4: Math 
    Tutorials: Tuesday morning from 7:00-7:45 a.m. I also offer lunch tutorials on Thursdays during A lunch
    Khan Academy: Please create a FREE Khan Academy account at khanacademy.org . Once you have created an account, you will add your child to YOUR account, and then add me as a coach to YOUR CHILD'S account. You will use the code that corresponds to your child's class period from the chart below. We will walk through this in class. 

    Khan Academy "Add a Coach" Class Codes

    P1: 8227TG      

    P2: 7KNAKW

    P3: 7BVTNS

    R2: GYYTQZ

    R3: DRHPU9

    R4: TZ8UY6