• ABSENCES: When a student is absent, the parent/guardian is to call the Attendance Office (713-942-1925) before 10:00 a.m. and report the absence by giving the following information: student name, grade, and reason for absence. Failure to give a proper excuse note (within three days of return to the school) will result in an absence being considered as an unexcused absence. According to Federal and State Compliance, a secondary school student who is in an every-other-day block schedule may have a maximum of two unexcused absences per semester course or a maximum of four unexcused absences per year per year-long course. Excessive absences will result in loss of credit for coursework. Three or more consecutive absences will result in an attendance referral.


    Upon returning (from an absence) to school, the student is required to do the following:


    1. Bring a written excuse/note from a parent/guardian or doctor/dentist stating the reason for the absence.


    2. Deliver the written note to the Attendance Office which opens at 7:30 a.m. (Do not go to your locker first. Go directly to the Attendance Office.) The attendance clerk will issue a permit to the student.


    Note to Parents: Absences are excused for personal illness or a death in the family. It is very important for every student to be in every class every day to maximize their every opportunity for success. Please do not schedule any vacations or non-emergency appointments during school time.