The Purple Pause
Ms. Kemp's 6L Language and Literacy Web Page!
Pondering Perspectives in Language and LiteratureWelcome, Ms. Kemp's Literacy 6L Purple Pups (parents, too). I am excited about this school year! Please come back often to check for announcements and class news. Your most useful pages are the "Class Calendar" -- where I post assignments, and the Assignments and Documents page, but please explore all when you have time! My Conference Periods -- P2 and R2 (by appointment)(For a cluster conference with all core teachers, please contactthe Cluster Leader, Mrs. Valero.)Tutoring sessions Wednesday mornings (7:30 to 7:50), to be arranged at least one day in advance,
so you can get your planner signed so that you may enter the building early.This also helps me plan materials to help you individually.The best way to reach me is by email: jkemp@houstonisd.org. I will answer you within 24-48 hours; if I do not, please email me a second time, as sometimes cyberspace plays tricks! Please do not leave me a voicemail or send me an email via gradespeed or "The Hub."Note: These pages are still !!
(Please be patient with me as I develop these pages,
and come back often for updates!)