It is our belief that school pride is developed not only by attaining honor in extracurricular activities and in scholastic accomplishments, but by the way students maintain high standards of behavior, appearance, and grooming. The entire school community supports the individual student in the search of personal achievement and self-expression. The following policies provide and define a structure in which this search is possible and students are able to develop personal esteem that will enrich not only themselves but also the community.
Student Handbook and Planner Guidelines for
Students, Teachers, & Parents
2011 – 2012
The student is the central link in the school community communication chain. The student is the messenger in many ways, keeping the lines of communication open between parents and teachers.
It will be the student’s responsibility to:
1. Have the official Lanier Middle School Student Planner in every class each day except for
Physical Education.
2. Copy the agenda and homework assignment at the beginning of every class. If there is no assignment, the student will write “none” in the space provided.
3. Request Hall Passes for personal emergency only. You must have your planner and ID in order to request a Hall Pass.
4. Consider using the planner for personal planning as well (i.e.: club meetings, sporting events, parties,
family events, etc.).
5. Be sure your parents see your planner every night and initial every weekend indicating all pertinent
school information for the week has been reviewed.
It is the parent’s responsibility to:
1. Ask to see the student planner every evening
2. Monitor homework assignments and their completion
3. Assist students in managing their time for long term assignments and projects
4. Help students study for tests in the manner that best suits their learning style
5. Initial the planner at least every weekend so the teacher knows the parent is up-to-date on their child’s assignments
6. Include your child in planning family events and recording them in the planner
It is the teacher’s responsibility to:
1. Use the planner as a means of communication with the parents, expecting a response from the
parent and doing the same in return
2. Provide students with guidance for best utilizing the planner
3. Have a clear and concise system in place in which homework assignments are posted for students to
record in their daily planner at the beginning of class each day
4. Have clear and concise expectations of special projects including check-point dates and final due dates.
5. Assist the student in appropriate use of hall passes, never allowing a student to leave the classroom without a pass