DEBATE SUPPLY LIST FOR 2014-2015*ALL debate students need a composition book or notebook (wide or college ruled)*Pens or pencils are fine for debate.*6th Graders - All 6th graders in the debate rotation need to acquire a copy of George Orwell's Animal Farm. The book should be purchased by Sept. 9. for the fall rotation.*The following is a list of supplies that we are in constant need of:
- Snacks for debate club (anything individually pre-packaged)
- Printer paper
- Printer ink – HP61 (black or color)
- Bottled water
- News magazines – Time, Economist, etc
- Kleenexes/paper towels
- Hand sanitizer
- Markers & colored pencils
- Sticky-notes (any color)
- Scotch tape
- Expo Dry-Erase markers (any color)
- Subscription to the following magazines:
o The Economist
o Newsweek
o National Geographic
o U.S. News and World Report
o New York Times (paper or digital subscription)