password: lanier123
You have access to your textbook and workbook on line.
Semana # 1 AGOSTO 24 - AGOSTO 28, 2015Introduction to school
Beggining of the year assesstment
Classroom constitution
Review greetings and tu vs. Ud.
HOMEWORK: Bring materials to class, & finish vocabulary clip art 1st. part; memorize new vocabulary; sign syllabus by parents & you!
Semana # 2 August 31 to September 4th - 2015Review greetings/numbers/telling time/body parts
Memorize new vocabulary (greetings, good-bye, numberts, time telling, classroom objects, body parts)
Vocabulary Clip Art - make flaschcards and keep them in a envelop or packet glue/tape in your notebook
Please, have your parents/guardian sign "class rules" and you also sign it - glue/tape to notebook
SEMANA # 3 Septiembre 8 - 11, 2015
Students must KNOW new vocabulary pp 22 and 23 in their textbook
This week we will work with flash cards (voc. clip art) - - study/memorize voc. Use quiz let to create flashcards on line.
GOonline: more practice with numbers
Web Code: jad-002
Goonline: more practice with "el cuerpo"
Web Code: jad-0003
GOonline: more practice with "en la clase"
Web Code: jad-0004
QUIZ PARA EMPEZAR - KNOW VOC. PAGES 22 - 23 September 9 & 10, 2015
Test will be next week Monday 28th and 29th of September
SEMANA # 4 September 14 - 18, 2015
Handout for numbers & time telling
Vocabulary clip art (flashcards)
bring phones to play kahoot!
CHAPTER TEST "PARA EMPEZAR" - know voc. pgs. 22 - 23 - Review material pp 1 - 23 - DATES: September 28, 29, .
web page: jad-0007
SEMANA # 5 Septiembre 18 - 22, 2015
We beging a new Chapter 1A - "¿Que te gusta hacer?"
Learn vocabulary page 52 in textbook
Vocabulary clip art - cut,glue, and write 3x each word or phrase into notebook
In notebook: do activities 6, 7, 8, 9 - pages 32 - 33
TEST Chapter Para Empezar - Sep 28, 29
Semana # 6 Septiembre 28 - Octubre 2, 2014
Studets take TEST "Para Empezar"
Study page 52 - know how to spell and the meaning of these words
Students create flashcards using quiz-let
Vocabulary clip art 1A- cut, glue,and write 3x each word or phrase into notebook
Textbook pp
Next week: Voc. Quiz - Vocabulary production (must know how to spell words)
SEMANA 7 - October 6 - 10, 2014
Students take quiz # 2 (vocabulary production) and Chapter Test 1A
Begin preparation for oral presentation next week - "¿Que te gusta hacer?"
Student give an oral presentation and talk about their likes and dislikes - Students use pictures, photographs or drawing of their favorite activites and least favorite activites.
SEMANA # 8 - October 13 - 17, 2014
Students take Test Chapter 1A and begin their oral presentation: Talk about activites you like, like a lot, and don't like
We begin a new Chapter 1B - "Y tu, ¿Como eres? In this chapter students will learn to describe themselves and other people (friends, family), learn adjectives
Vocabulary clip art 1B - cut, glue, and write 3x each word or phrase into your planner - begin learning new vocabulary
SEMANA # 9 Octobre 20 - 24, 2014
Study / memorize voc. page 82
Textbook pp 65, 66, 67 - Act. 9, 11, 15
Handout - more adjectives
Study for quiz #1 vocabulary recognition
SEMANA # 10 October 27 - 31, 2014
jad - 0114
Textbook page 66 - Activity #13
Study quiz #2 vocabulary production
SEMANAN # 11 November 3 - 7, 2014
Dia de los muertos - masks
workbook pp 26,27,28
SEMANA #12 November 10 - 14, 2014
Write an e-mail note to your classmate refer to page 79 into textbook
Begin new Chapter 2A - copy vocabulary from page 114 into your notebook and memorize new vocabulary related to the school day.
SEMANA # 13 November 17 - 21, 2014
Memorize vocabulary Chapter 2A - page 114
Go online and find the capitals from the following countries: Mexico, Puerto Rico, Colombia and Espana
workbook pp 31 and 32
Begin learning song "las mananitas"
November 24 and 25, 2014 ( Thanksgiving break)
No hay tarea pero estudia el vocabulario, o por lo menos revisalo!
December 1 - 5, 2014
Estudiar quiz # 1 on vocabulario page 114
Textbook - chapter 2A - activity 12
Workbook pp 33, 34, 35, 36
Textbook pp 101, 102, 103, 106, 107 - Activities: 18, 19, 22, 24, 26 due the week of December 15-19, 2014
Mid-Term Exam - Friday, December 12 and Monday, December 15, 2014
Quiz on ESTAR page 128 & the plural of nouns and articles page 132 in textbook
Textbook page 131 - Activities: 19 & 20
Using a group picture (family or friends) write sentences in which you describe where each member is in relationship to each other (do this in notebook). Use verb ESTAR + prepositions such as: al lado de, detras de, a la derecha, a la izquierda, debajo de, etc.
WB pages 46/48
NEXT WEEK: Test Chapter 2B** (Lunes 3 de febrero y jueves 6 de febrero)
Semana del 3 al 7 de febrero del 2014
Capitulo 3A - vocabulario pagina 174 - escribir vocobulario en cuaderno y memorizar el vocabulario.
Vocabulario Clip art 3A - cortar, colorear y escribir 3X cada palabra en el cuaderno.
WB pp 49/50
Semana del 17 de febrero al 21, 2014
Estudiar vocabulario pagina 174 - vocabulary production quiz 3A -2
Textbook pp 161, 162, 163 Act. 18, 19, 21, 22
Textbook pp 164 - Act 24, 25, 27
Handout: Take home quiz - use of ER/IR verbs & me gusta(n) VS. me entanta(n)
Oral presentation - refer to page 171 in your textbook - Y que te gusta hacer?
Map of South America due - learn the capitals of Spanish-speaking countries
Prepare for Chapter test 3A - lunes y jueves de la proxima semana.
Review handouts for Chapter 3A - due the day of the test.
Estudiar vocabulario de la pagina 204 en el texto
Quiz - vocabulary recognintion page 204
Libro de trabajo paginas 58/59/60/61 - I will give these pages to studenst
Handout - las tres comidas del dia (translate and write)
La fiesta - write a list of the food items you will bring for the party
SEMANA DEL 24/28, 2014
Quiz # 2/3/B - verb SER/use of adjectives
WB pp. 62/63
Textbook pp 192,193, 194, 195 - Act. 19, 20,22,23
PROJECT DUE NEXT WEEK - "Para Mantener la Salud" - ¿Que debes hacer? - see page 201 textbook
EXAMEN (Test) 3B - estudiar capitulo 3B - know vocabulary p.204 - Know use of verb SER and the plural of adjectives.
Textbook p. 196 - Act: 25,26; p. 198, 199 - leer y contester (answer) preguntas 1-5
Vocabulary Clip Art 4A&4B - write 3x each word into notebook pp 236 & 266 (memorizar vocabulario)
WB pp 67 & 68
SEMANA DEL 14 al 18 DE ABRIL, 2014
Aprender (leanr) vocabulario nuevo capitulos 4A/4B - textbo pp 236/266
Vocabulary clip art 4A - escribir 3x cada palabra en cuaderno.
Texto pp 214-215 - Act. 5,6,7
Textbo pp 9,10,12,19
Workbook pp 68/69
Final Project due May 6/7, 2014 - Mi autobiografia (you should have the rubric). If you lost it please pick a new one). You should be working on your "autobiografia" now.
Week April 28 - May 2, 2014