• Lesson 1b: Lab Safety Guidlines

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  • Lesson 1a: Lab Safety CW/HW (Ppt + Activity)

    ·        CLASS WORK: Lab Safety Rules, Procedures and Symbols will be explained. A station Lab will be conducted after that. Students will visit each station with a safety equipment and will perform the required activity. They will discuss answers to the given questions among their team members and will record observations in their Science Journal.


    Project: Make a Cartoon/Comic strip on Lab Safety, Color, title/caption it.


    Create a New Safety Symbol using/mixing the existing Lab Safety Symbols.

    Show your creativity!

    Worth: 20 points

    Due: Next Class 


    TEST: Prepare for Lab Safety Quiz that will be held at the end of this Lesson/Next Class.Please don't forget to mention your Name, Period Number and Date on the back (top right corner) of your project.

    NOTE: Submit your Lab Safety Contract (signed by you and your parents/guardian) as soon as possible (by next class).  




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  • Formula Sheet

    Attached is the formula sheet we will be using in Science.
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  • Periodic Table of Elements (Reference Sheet)

    Attached is the Periodic Table we will use to learn about Elements and their properites.
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