Leadership Camp Video from Elissa
Summer Camp Video
*Leadership 2014 - Superhero Camp*
Woohoo! I can't wait for camp this year.The theme is "superheroes" and you will be in one of the following groups,
Batman, Superman, Thor, Wonderwoman, and more.You don't get to choose, you will get a call telling you which one.Leadership Camp is July 29-Aug 1st, from 8:45-3:30 each day.You will come to the cafeteria each morning and be picked up there in the afternoon (not the front).You will be in the cafeteria at 8:45 in the morning, picked up at 3:30 each afternoon.We will be travelling to Texas Rock Gym on Thursday, July 31st, you will have a waiver signed before we can go. (it's electronic and online) Link: http://www.texasrockgym.com/waivers/I need you to make sure you have emailed me your t-shirt size.You will get plenty of sleep each night so you can bring your A-game each day!You will not have your electronics out unless you are taking pictures of activities or speakers... NO TEXTING!You will learn about who you are, who you have the potential to be, and how you can get there!You will need to bring a lunch each day!You will get a waterbottle, a backpack, a t-shirt and all the expertise of my former leaders and me : )You will get a ton of tips, new games, and activites to help you with your first weeks as a GSG leader.If you have questions or concerns, please email me at mgiroir@houstonisd.orgYou will have training July 28, from 8:30am-3:30pm. (mandatory!!!)We will go over all the new games and activites,We will contact all the campers to make sure they know which group they are in.We will go over the groups for camp.We will have fun!We will bring mad energy and mad skills!!!We will make a difference in the lives of those who attend camp.We will be in the cafeteria between 8:15-8:30 each morning.We will help clean up after camp on the 1st, until about 4 pm (if you are able).Schedule for CampWelcome to Leadership Camp 2014
Leadership Camp – Day 1, July 29 (leadership t-shirts)
I. Check-in: Warm up cheers (former leadership t-shirts) 8:15-8:40am
(G-O-O-D morning, Energy Check, Standing O)Location: Cafeteria
II. Ice Breaker Game/Activity:
Location: Gym/Cafeteria 8:45-9:30am
· Name Tag Activity (in the senior leader packet, Day 1)
· Candy Ice Breaker Game (in the senior leader packet, Day 1)
· Signature/Name Design Activity (in the senior leader packet, Day 1)
Transition to Auditorium
III. Guest Speaker – Nikki Foreman - NPFH Project 9:30-10:00 amAuditoriumIV. Introduction in to Leadership (information in packet)
Location: Auditorium 10:00-11:00am
· Tips for facilitating activities led by senior leaders in small groups
· Leadership do’s and don’ts
Power point presentation by Giroir
· What is a Leader? After information is presented the new leaders will break out into their small groups and complete the activity “Grow a Leader” led by senior leaders. Also, what do you do? (Problems, chain of command, etc.)
V. Grow a Leader exercise (led by senior leaders)
Location: gym 11:00-12:00pm
· Small group activity on leadership led by senior leaders, handout in packet.
Transition to cafeteria
VI. Lunch (free time for all leaders, and journal entry time) 12:00-12:30pm
VII. Power point – IB Learner Profile/Volunteering 12:30 - 1:00pm
Mr. Giroir will lead a quick power point/discussion over the 10 learner profile traits of an IB student and volunteering opportunities.
Transition to gym
VIII. Teambuilding Games 1:00-3:00pm
(Game objective and procedures in senior leader packet, all games led by senior leaders)
· Everybody up/Human Knot
· Patriotic Colors/Hula Hoop Game
· Spider Web
· Sheet Drop Name Game
Transition back to cafeteria
IX. Debriefing on games 3:00-3:15pm
· Q & A 3:15-3:30pm
· How did today go for everyone, what worked, what did not work? Students will discuss the events of yesterday and their experiences with the first day. Students will also make notes in their binders on what games or activities that they can use in their GSG.
Day Two July 30, 2014 (H.S./college t-shirts)
- Ongoing team building
- Learning to Lead
- Understanding GSGs and the lessons that drive them
Location: Cafeteria 8:45-9:00am
Check-in and Energizer
II. Ice Breaker Game - Story Boxes 9:00-9:15am
Transition to gym
III. Small group breakout (poster board) 9:15-10:15am
Students will get into their small groups to discuss GSGs and the problems with teaching lessons. This is a working session; new leaders will work with senior leaders on how they can make the lessons more effective this year. Side conversations not allowed the goal is to effectively seek solution focused ideas to help the GSGs. Each group will come up with two points with solutions to discuss as a large group. (STRESS PREPAREDNESS) (Make sure each leader contributes something to the conversation). You can also have the groups pick a project for the year, then decide how to do it, what you will need, time frame, etc. (snacks)
IV. Large group 10:15-10:45am
Each group takes a turn presenting the problems and solutions to the problems.
V. Energizer “Baby Shark, Roller Coaster Cheer, Potty Break” 10:45-10:55am
VI. Guest Speaker – Maya Fontenot – Former Leader 11:00-11:30am
2014 CVHS Graduate – Standing up for what you believe in
VII. Lunch (students free time to journal what they have learned) 11:35-12:05pm
VIII. Elements of a good GSG lesson 12:05-1:00pm
What makes a good lesson, topics year at a glance (7 habits book), how to create a lesson; look at the first weeks lessons/games.
IX. Teambuilding Games 1:00-3:00pm
Ice Breaker Games: 2:30-3:25 – Evolution (Chess Patio), On the line/Off the line (Gym), Snowball Fight (Gym), Discussion Cards (Hallway), (see games day 2 sheet)
X. Panel auditorium: Q & A leader questions 3:00-3:25pm
XI. Announcements, clean up, and pick up bus lane 3:25-3:30pm
Leadership Camp Day 3
Day Three July 31,
Agenda – Texas Rock Gym (superhero t-shirts)
Camp Time: 8:00-3:30
· Teambuilding
· Problem Solving
· Receive basic information about leadership
· Receive information on teaching a GSG
I. Welcome:
Location: Cafeteria 8:30-8:45am
Check-in: Receive name tags,
Energizer: “Wiggalo, Bananas”
Senior leader: will teach energizers to the new leaders
Senior leaders will give each kid a pre-made name tag with their name and group on it.II. Introductions: 8:45-9:00am
Location: CafeteriaSenior Leaders: Ask the students their reasons for participating in Leadership and what they hope to accomplish by being a leader. Teach them “I love you but be quiet, Good Leaders are… good listeners, etc”,
Mr. G: - Expectations, lunch check, load buses (3 total busses)
III. Training overview:
Location: Cafeteria/Bus Lane 9:00-9:15am
Load the buses: create password for the bus, (Red, White, and Blue)
III. Bus Transition to Texas Rock Gym – 9:15-9:40
IV. Arrive at Texas Rock Gym – Gym Orientation 9:45-10:00
V. Rock Gym Activities 10:00- 12:00, lunch, Post lunch activities
VI. Leave Texas Rock Gym @ 2:15 load buses, name check, txt Mr. G
VII. Arrive at Lanier 2:30, Bathroom break 5 minutes
VIII. Team activities – large group and small groups (Gym) 2:35-3:25pm
Jungle Safari and Texas Rain Storm led by Mr. G, others in your small group
* Texas Rain Storm * Jungle Safari
* Letters to Self * Positive Post-its!* The Magic Forest
IX. 3:25 - Transition to Cafeteria
X. 3:25-3:30 – End of Day Speech by Mr. G – release to parents
Leadership Camp Day 4
Day Four Aug. 1st
Agenda – CPR/AED/First Aid
Camp Time: 8:45-3:30pm
I. Welcome – Energizers (senior leaders choice)
Location – Cafeteria
II. CPR – Training – Sherri Leuhr – Parachute Consulting
Auditorium – All groups, then divide into smaller sections
III. AED – (Automatic Electronic Defibulator)
IV. First Aid
V. Lunch 12ish??? – rotating lunch
VI. Guest Speaker – Danny Painter –Deer Park Leadership
o All around awesome guy
o In a band, Counting Bleu Birds
o Certified Massage Therapist
o Bilingual in French and English, some Rubbish
VII. Taking Action – Projects for the year!
Materials – poster board, markers, ideas
Have the students divide the poster board into four quadrants.
Upper left quadrant - What is the project?
Upper right quadrant – What materials do you need?
Lower left quadrant – Who do you need to help with this (principal, teachers, clubs, Mr. G, coaches, custodians, etc.)?
Lower right quadrant – When do you want it to be completed?
VIII. Survey – contact information, final pictures, pup-camp sign up
IX. End of Camp – Song, sway, clean up!!!!!
- Ongoing team building