Club Motto:
When women support each other, incredible things happen.
What we do:
- Meetings occur once every 2 weeks on Thursdays (meetings are consistent)
- Meetings will usually have interactive/group activities.
- Some of the things GALs did in 2022 include:
Big/Little Sister Mentoring Program, Minute to Win it Halloween Party Games,
Co-Sponsored Women’s Menstrual Products drive for Women’s Shelter, Holiday Cookie Decorating,
and a School-Wide Scavenger Hunt.
Who can join / how to join:
- All she/her, they/them, or people who identify as female can join
As of January 2023, this is the information for how to join:
- Meeting event reminders will be sent through the app Remind. We have 2 Reminds for our members
(But just join ONE of these 2). The same information is sent on both.
Send a text to 81010 - text this message @grls-lamar
Send a text to 81010 - text this message @lhsgals
Follow our Instagram for meeting reminders, and GALs info: @girlsatlamar
Follow our Twitter for meeting reminders, and GALs info: @girlsatlamar
More About Girls At Lamar:
Our Club started in 2019, with past Lamar students who have graduated.
As of January 2023, we have over 200 Remind participants and 65+ active meeting members.
We have grown GALs tremendously this year and hope to continue growing it for the upcoming years.