Club Motto: Best Badminton Birdies, get better at Badminton.
Club Objectives: Teach people about the sport, as well as represent an underrepresented sport in the athletic world.
Activity Descriptions: Playing Badminton
Membership Requirements: We the LMA value high morality and consistent behavior in members that will guarantee the stability and future of our club. Future members with these qualities must apply to the LMA and obtain their own personal badminton racket upon acceptance.
Meeting Location: GYM
Meeting Time & Date: Wednesdays or Thursdays, whichever the B-Day falls on
Sponsor: Mr. Li
President: Diego Flores
Vice-President: Heidy Monroy
Secretary: Manuel Rojas
Treasurer: Angie Rodruiguez
Parliamentarian: Joshua Rodkey
Historian: Benjamin Lewis