Club Motto: "Don't Mess with Texans!"
Club Objectives: Our goal is to make Lamar a cleaner environment. Teachers aren’t janitors- We want to stop teachers from feeling the need to clean up, promoting reflective and principled IB Learners.
Activity Descriptions: Club members will be required to help pick up trash/sweep/wipe down desks (if needed) during the last 15 minutes of lunch and log their hours. Additionally, we will help clean up after non-school events. We will start with cleaning under the desks.
Membership Requirements: Club members will be required to help pick up trash/sweep/wipe down desks (if needed) during the last 15 minutes of lunch twice a week and log their hours.
Meeting Location: 10 B
Meeting Time & Date: TBD- Early in the month, so that a schedule for everyone can be made for when they need to pick up trash.
Sponsor: Ms. Pardo
President: Linnea Scheet
Vice-President: Reese Rosenfeld
Secretary: TBD
Treasurer: TBD
Parliamentarian: TBD
Historian: TBD