Club Motto: Designing our future one sketch at a time.
Club Objectives: Our objectives are to share knowledge regarding architecture as we consist of mainly seniors who have been passionate about architecture for a while and have participated in architecture programs in UH and Tulane during summer. We also aim to help our classmates and underclassmen decide if this is something they want to do as a career when the time comes by showing and teaching them skills regarding model making and sketching floor plans.
Activity Descriptions: We will have informative meetings, where we will teach the basic fundamentals of architecture. We will also host hands on activities with model making while learning about structural analysis. We will collaborate with clubs such as so much fun club and create friendly contests with the model making, while always offering prizes.
Membership Requirements: The only requirement is to be in our reminder, as well as to attend at least one of the monthly meetings.
Meeting Location: N313
Meeting Time & Date: second and Last Wednesday of every month, where the second Wednesday will be the second half of lunch while the last Wednesday will be all of lunch.
Sponsor: Mr. Alfonso
President: Anthony Díaz
Vice-President: Gigi Espinoza
Secretary: Rahma Refat
Treasurer: Mikayal Kahn
Parliamentarian: Caitlyn Lin
Historian: Tristan Tran