• Club Motto: Leave no trace! 

    Club Objectives: We aim to spread our love of forensic science and help more people gain interest in it! We would love to spread forensic science with people who have never heard about it to people who are avid enthusiasts.  

    Activity Descriptions: Find out what forensic scientists do on the job, do fun forensic-related activities, watch videos of forensic scientists in action, and more! 

    Membership Requirements: None! 



    Meeting Location: N111

    Meeting Time & Date: Every other Thursday at 12:15

  • Sponsor: Mr. Fisher


    President: Naz Qadeer 

    Vice-President: Tianna Le 

    Secretary: Emily Urbina 

    Treasurer: Stephanie 

    Parliamentarian: Naz Qadeer 

    Historian: Naz Qadeer