• Club Motto: Mastering biology concepts for academic success!

    Club Objectives: Tutor 9th and 11th graders who take biology to prepare them to be successful in their biology tests and overall class.

    Activity Descriptions: Every 3 weeks when 9th and 11th graders take their unit test for biology class, students that are members of our club go to their neighborhood during the 2nd half of lunch the day before their test to tutor them. We prepare the biology students to get high scores on their test and make them feel confident and stress free by providing study guides with the material of the test, doing Kahoots/Quizzez to get them comfortable with the questions, and by answering any questions they have.

    Membership Requirements: Members are required to attend at least one tutoring session a grading cycle, and are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the material before tutoring a student.



    Meeting Location: The day before a unit test the 2nd half of lunch, except for finals weeks where we will have an entire lunch of tutoring.

    Meeting Time & Date: 11A with Ms. Watson, or in 9th-grade neighborhoods if the teachers need.

  • Sponsor: Ms. Watson



    Elisabeth Pope (9th-grade manager)

    Mariam Hamouie (11th-grade manager) 

    Vice-President: Ian Vuong 

    Secretary: Malu Brito Schmitz 

    Treasurer: Anabella Martinez 

    Parliamentarian: Ciaran Mckenna

    Historian: Campbell Collins