Club Motto: Give your all, give your heart!
Club Objectives: We want to give back to our community inside and outside of Lamar through basic hygienic necessities like deodorant, brushes, hand sanitizer, women’s products, and more.
Activity Descriptions: Hand in Heart is a club/organization dedicated to giving basic hygienic necessities back to the school and communities around Houston. We want to do raffles, small events to fund-raise basic hygienic necessities, have fun team building activities that brings Lamar students together, and create baskets that Lamar students can go to that have those hygienic necessities.
Membership Requirements: There are no specific requirements. Following the instagram and joining the remind is enough to become a member.
Meeting Location: 11C Meeting Room
Meeting Time & Date: 2nd half of lunch, Thursdays.
President: Christina Pham
Vice-President: Kayla L. Campos
Secretary: Isabella Youngsteadt
Treasurer: Ann Nguyen
Parliamentarian: Luci Alvarado
Historian: Ava Laguna-O'Neill
Public Relations: Lane Miller, Anthony Rivera, Alayna Sylvester, Olivia Butler