All Lamar students are required to adhere to the uniform policy. The policy includes extra-curricular uniforms which may require additional clothing to be in compliance. Uniforms can be purchased through the school store. (See uniform prices)
Reason for a Dress CodeThere are two fundamental reasons for a school dress code: 1) to ensure the health and safety of everyone on campus; and 2) to avoid any unacceptable disruptions to the learning environment. A secondary reason for a dress code is to encourage students to have appropriate dress habits.
Also, Lamar will not tolerate gang-related behavior and/or the wearing of gang-identified articles of clothing and/or other gang symbols. Any articles of clothing, symbols, or emblems thought to signify gang membership will be banned.
The Lamar faculty and administration will enforce the Lamar dress code in a uniform manner. They also will determine the appropriateness of attire for school occasions and activities. All students have the responsibility to wear clothing that contributes both to their own health and safety as well as that of others. The student dress code applies to students on campus, whether during the school day or after hours, including those serving detention or Saturday School.Dress Code ViolationsPlease note: Violations of the Lamar dress code will result in disciplinary action. Depending on the number of dress code offenses and the gravity of the offense, discipline can range from detention to suspension. IF YOU ARE NOT IN UNIFORM YOU WILL BE SENT HOME.
As a general rule, the Lamar dress code will not be revised more frequently than once a year. Also, courts at both the state and federal levels have recognized the rights of school officials to regulate standards of student dress and grooming.
The Uniform PolicyHead [Back to TOP]- Sunglasses, hats, caps, sweat bands, bandanas (except when approved for PE and dance classes), and head coverings of any kind are not to be worn indoors. These items will be confiscated permanently. Any exceptions to this policy due to religious or medical requirements must be approved by the Lamar administration in advance.
- In some laboratory settings, teachers may prohibit the wearing of dangling or protruding articles or accessories. Teachers may also require that long or free-flowing hair be covered or restrained.
- Pierced jewelry may be worn in the ear only. (Nose rings, eye rings, tongue rings, navel rings, and other forms of body piercing are not allowed).
- Jewelry depicting or making reference to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vulgar or obscene language, sexual promiscuity, the occult, death, violence or gang-related activities may not be worn. Spiked dog collar, spiked bracelets, linked chains (for wallets or necklaces) are prohibited. Rosaries are also not allowed to be worn.
- Teeth grills are prohibited.
- Hair should be clean and well kempt. Hair rollers, metal rakes, and combs are not to be worn. Hair styles and artificial coloring should not detract from the educational process and are subject to disciplinary action.(No spiked or unnatural hair colors)
- Expensive or irreplaceable jewelry should not be worn to school.
Tops [Back to TOP]- Students must wear uniform white or navy blue polo shirts with “LAMAR IB” embroidery at all times. These items may be purchased in the school store.
ALL SALES ARE FINAL ON ITEMS PURCHASED THROUGH THE SCHOOL STORE. - Students with tattoos and henna markings must ensure that they are covered and not visible.
- All cold weather clothing such as jackets, sweaters, hoodies and sweatshirts must have the Lamar logo.
- T-shirts worn under shirts may only be white. Under shirts are not required.
- Athletic and Physical Education practice uniforms are required and consist of a white Lamar t-shirt and blue Lamar shorts. These must be purchased through the school. No personal clothing for these activities is acceptable. These items are required materials for Athletics and P.E. classes.
- NOTE: Lamar spirit shirts may only be worn on Fridays. Alterations of any kind to any clothing are not acceptable, including, but not limited to writing on clothing. Students may not wear sleeveless tops.
Pants, Shorts, and Skirts [Back to TOP]
- Students are required to wear khaki uniform slacks, khaki knee length shorts, khaki uniform skirts (no more than 2 inches above the knee). A plaid skirt option will be available for purchase from Academic Outfitters. Note: These items may be purchased at any nearby uniform store or department store that sells standard school uniforms. These items must be uniform. No jeans, or jean-like materials or pants with outside decorative stitching or patch pockets are acceptable. This includes cargo shorts/pants. All slacks, shorts, and skirts must be worn at the natural waist height and be of proper length. All must fit properly and may not be excessively loose or baggy.
- Writing/painting on or alteration of the school uniform is not acceptable. Including, but not limited to hemming.
The following brands are acceptable:
Target Stores – Official School Wear brand by French Toast.
J. C. Penney – Original Arizona Jean Company Khaki’s and/or St. John’s Bay cotton chino khaki shorts. Docker’s Grand (men only) khaki front pleat. Polo Sport Brand (women only) khaki pleated.Shoes [Back to TOP]
- Students must wear shoes at all times.
- Due to safety considerations, teachers may require non-skid, closed toe shoes in some labs during experiments or project work.
Online ordering is available through Academic Outfitters Academic Outfitters Website.See the School Store for items sold on campus.
- Sunglasses, hats, caps, sweat bands, bandanas (except when approved for PE and dance classes), and head coverings of any kind are not to be worn indoors. These items will be confiscated permanently. Any exceptions to this policy due to religious or medical requirements must be approved by the Lamar administration in advance.
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Last Modified on August 1, 2019