Club Motto: learn together, achieve more, stay lucky
Club Objectives: mental health, study group, break time
Activity Descriptions: group talks that will bring everyone closer together while sharing text that has helps each person personally that they would like to share.
Membership Requirements:
- Come to the weekly meeting
- Complete any reading chapters and or practices
- Cooperate in group activities
Activity Fee or Expense associated with membership: the only expenses related to the club will be between the leadership team, whether its activities, snacks, or materials
Meeting Location: N301
Meeting Time & Date: Thursdays 2nd half of lunch
Sponsor: Ms. Wolridge
President: Jade Albarran
Vice-President: Estrella Salgado
Secretary: Mia Arreguin
Treasurer: Elise Clymer
Parliamentarian: Madilynn Martinez
Historian: Jazlyn Cisnero