• Club Motto: Empowering Minds for Tomorrow 

    Club Objectives: A calm and welcoming place to come study. Study methods will be provided and we strive to be able to help others get grades up. Once a month we will have fun meetings where we can distract ourselves and enjoy the company of others.

    Activity Descriptions: People can come and study. The officers will provide and teach study methods. We will have calm low study music and provide snacks.  

    Membership Requirements: Join Remind, follow Instagram account, be an active member in the club (come to at least 2 meetings a month) 



    Meeting Location: 12C 

    Meeting Time & Date: Mondays & Friday, all of lunch 

  • Sponsor: Mr. Camacho


    President: Hayley Mejia 

    Vice-President: Sofia Moreno & Kayla Campos

    Secretary: Stephanie Hernandez 

    Treasurer: Yazmin Bedolla 

    Parliamentarian: Connor Ganan 

    Historian: Christiana Pham