• Club Motto: "Music is Medicine"

    Club Objectives: In this club, students who play instruments will practice together in school, and perform the music to nursing homes. Music brings people joy. Not only is this a club where students come together to play music, but it is also a form of volunteer work and helping the community.

    Activity Descriptions: We will all practice the music we will perform at the nursing homes in school. We will perform the music at nursing homes.

    Membership Requirements: Students who play an instrument.

    Activity, Contests, Competitions: I will be contacting the nursing homes for the days we perform there.



    Meeting Location: Either Mr. Moore's room or Mr. Bedford's. 

    Meeting Time & Date: At least once a week on Tuesdays or Thursday on the second half of lunch.

  • Sponsor: Mr. Moore


    President: Jaya Ramineni (9th grade) 

    Vice-President: Taylor Smith ( 10th grade) 

    Secretary: TBD 

    Treasurer: TBD 

    Parliamentarian: TBD 

    Historian: TBD