Club Motto: Rocks are for climbing!
Club Objectives: To meet with each other at Momentum Climbing Gym and support each other in our climbing journey
Activity Descriptions: Have in-school meetings to discuss meeting times, expectations, and plan fun activities
Have gym meetings to support each other in our climbing journeysMembership Requirements: None
Activity Fee or Expense associated with membership: Discounted day-passes will be provided by the gym
Meeting Location: 9A Lab
Meeting Time & Date: Wednesdays/Thursdays second half of lunch, once a month (whenever A day is)
Sponsor: Mr. Tran
President: Dev Patel
Vice-President: Campbell Collins
Secretary: Connor Krolls
Treasurer: Liem Nguyen
Parliamentarian: Charles Baalwa
Historian: Xavier
Social Media Manager: Jack McGuire
Outreach Officer: Jack Norwood